


要将潜在客户标记为已丢失,请打开 CRM 应用程序,然后从管道中选择潜在客户,点击其对应的看板卡。这样就会显示该潜在客户的详细表单。

然后,点击潜在客户详情表顶部的 丢失

Buttons from the top of an opportunity record with the lost button emphasized.

This opens the Lost Reason popup. From the drop-down, choose an existing lost reason. If no applicable reason is available, create a new one by entering it into the Lost Reason field, and clicking Create.

Additional notes and comments can be added below the lost reason designated in the Lost Reason field.

When all the desired information has been entered in the Lost Reason pop-up window, click Submit.

Lost reasons popup with sample reasons.

Upon clicking Submit, the pop-up window disappears, and Odoo returns to the lead detail form, where a new red Lost banner is now present in the upper-right corner of the lead.


要创建新的丢失原因或编辑现有原因,请导航至 CRM 应用 ‣ 配置 ‣ 丢失原因


要创建新的丢失原因,请点击 丢失原因 页面左上角的 创建。这样会在 描述 字段中显示新的空白行。然后,在新行中输入新的丢失原因。准备就绪后,点击:guilabel:保存


To retrieve lost opportunities in Odoo CRM, open the CRM app to the main Pipeline dashboard. Then, click the Filters drop-down menu, located beneath the search bar.

Search bar with lost filter emphasized.

From the Filters drop-down menu, select the Lost option. Upon selecting Lost, only the leads that have been marked as Lost appear on the Pipeline page.

To filter leads by a specific lost reason, select Filters ‣ Add Custom Filter. Doing so reveals another drop-down menu with three fields.

In the top field drop-down menu, select Lost Reason. In the second field drop-down menu, select Contains. Then, in the third field of the Add Custom Field sub menu, type in the specific keyword(s). Lastly, click Apply. Upon clicking Apply, Odoo reveals all the lost leads with a reason that contains that specified keyword(s).

Search bar with custom filter added for lost reason.


要恢复丢失的商机,请导航至 CRM 应用程序的主 管道 面板,打开 筛选 下拉菜单,并选择 丢失 选项。这样就会显示 管道 页面上所有丢失的机会。

Then, click on the kanban card of the desired lost opportunity to restore, which opens that lead’s detail form.

From the lost lead’s detail form, click Restore in the upper-left corner. Doing so removes the red Lost banner from the lead form, signifying the lead has been restored.

Lost opportunity with emphasis on the Restore button.


要一次恢复多个机会,请导航至 CRM 应用程序的主 管道 面板,打开 筛选器 下拉菜单,并选择 丢失 选项。


选择所需的商机/销售线索后,点击 ⚙️操作(齿轮) 页面顶部的 管道 下拉菜单。从 ⚙️操作(齿轮) 下拉菜单中,选择 取消存档

这样做会从:guilabel:管道 页面移除这些选定的丢失商机,因为它们不再符合 `丢失`筛选条件。要显示这些新恢复的销售线索,请删除搜索栏中的`丢失`筛选器。

Action button from list view with the Unarchive option emphasized.