Testing Odoo

There are many ways to test an application. In Odoo, we have three kinds of tests

  • Python unit tests (see Testing Python code): useful for testing model business logic

  • JS unit tests (see Testing JS code): useful to test the javascript code in isolation

  • Tours (see Integration Testing): tours simulate a real situation. They ensures that the python and the javascript parts properly talk to each other.

Testing Python code

Odoo provides support for testing modules using unittest.

To write tests, simply define a tests sub-package in your module, it will be automatically inspected for test modules. Test modules should have a name starting with test_ and should be imported from tests/__init__.py, e.g.

├── ...
├── tests
|   ├── __init__.py
|   ├── test_bar.py
|   └── test_foo.py

and __init__.py contains:

from . import test_foo, test_bar


test modules which are not imported from tests/__init__.py will not be run

The test runner will simply run any test case, as described in the official unittest documentation, but Odoo provides a number of utilities and helpers related to testing Odoo content (modules, mainly):

class odoo.tests.common.TransactionCase(methodName='runTest')[source]

TestCase in which each test method is run in its own transaction, and with its own cursor. The transaction is rolled back and the cursor is closed after each test.


Returns a record object for the provided external identifier


xid – fully-qualified external identifier, in the form module.identifier


ValueError if not found




Returns database ID for the provided external identifier, shortcut for get_object_reference


xid – fully-qualified external identifier, in the form module.identifier


ValueError if not found


registered id

class odoo.tests.common.SingleTransactionCase(methodName='runTest')[source]

TestCase in which all test methods are run in the same transaction, the transaction is started with the first test method and rolled back at the end of the last.


Returns a record object for the provided external identifier


xid – fully-qualified external identifier, in the form module.identifier


ValueError if not found




Returns database ID for the provided external identifier, shortcut for get_object_reference


xid – fully-qualified external identifier, in the form module.identifier


ValueError if not found


registered id

class odoo.tests.common.SavepointCase(methodName='runTest')[source]

Similar to SingleTransactionCase in that all test methods are run in a single transaction but each test case is run inside a rollbacked savepoint (sub-transaction).

Useful for test cases containing fast tests but with significant database setup common to all cases (complex in-db test data): setUpClass() can be used to generate db test data once, then all test cases use the same data without influencing one another but without having to recreate the test data either.

class odoo.tests.common.HttpCase(methodName='runTest')[source]

Transactional HTTP TestCase with url_open and Chrome headless helpers.


Returns a record object for the provided external identifier


xid – fully-qualified external identifier, in the form module.identifier


ValueError if not found



browser_js(url_path, code, ready='', login=None, timeout=60, **kw)[source]

Test js code running in the browser - optionnally log as „login“ - load page given by url_path - wait for ready object to be available - eval(code) inside the page

To signal success test do: console.log(„test successful“) To signal test failure raise an exception or call console.error


Returns database ID for the provided external identifier, shortcut for get_object_reference


xid – fully-qualified external identifier, in the form module.identifier


ValueError if not found


registered id


A decorator to tag BaseCase objects. Tags are stored in a set that can be accessed from a „test_tags“ attribute. A tag prefixed by „-„ will remove the tag e.g. to remove the „standard“ tag. By default, all Test classes from odoo.tests.common have a test_tags attribute that defaults to „standard“ and „at_install“. When using class inheritance, the tags are NOT inherited.

By default, tests are run once right after the corresponding module has been installed. Test cases can also be configured to run after all modules have been installed, and not run right after the module installation:

# coding: utf-8
from odoo.tests import HttpCase, tagged

# This test should only be executed after all modules have been installed.
@tagged('-at_install', 'post_install')
class WebsiteVisitorTests(HttpCase):
  def test_create_visitor_on_tracked_page(self):
      Page = self.env['website.page']

The most common situation is to use TransactionCase and test a property of a model in each method:

class TestModelA(common.TransactionCase):
    def test_some_action(self):
        record = self.env['model.a'].create({'field': 'value'})

    # other tests...


Test methods must start with test_

class odoo.tests.common.Form(recordp, view=None)[source]

Server-side form view implementation (partial)

Implements much of the «form view» manipulation flow, such that server-side tests can more properly reflect the behaviour which would be observed when manipulating the interface:

  • call default_get and the relevant onchanges on «creation»

  • call the relevant onchanges on setting fields

  • properly handle defaults & onchanges around x2many fields

Saving the form returns the created record if in creation mode.

Regular fields can just be assigned directly to the form, for Many2one fields assign a singleton recordset:

# empty recordset => creation mode
f = Form(self.env['sale.order'])
f.partner_id = a_partner
so = f.save()

When editing a record, using the form as a context manager to automatically save it at the end of the scope:

with Form(so) as f2:
    f2.payment_term_id = env.ref('account.account_payment_term_15days')
    # f2 is saved here

For Many2many fields, the field itself is a M2MProxy and can be altered by adding or removing records:

with Form(user) as u:

Finally One2many are reified as O2MProxy.

Because the One2many only exists through its parent, it is manipulated more directly by creating «sub-forms» with the new() and edit() methods. These would normally be used as context managers since they get saved in the parent record:

with Form(so) as f3:
    # add support
    with f3.order_line.new() as line:
        line.product_id = env.ref('product.product_product_2')
    # add a computer
    with f3.order_line.new() as line:
        line.product_id = env.ref('product.product_product_3')
    # we actually want 5 computers
    with f3.order_line.edit(1) as line:
        line.product_uom_qty = 5
    # remove support
    # SO is saved here
  • recordp (odoo.models.Model) – empty or singleton recordset. An empty recordset will put the view in «creation» mode and trigger calls to default_get and on-load onchanges, a singleton will put it in «edit» mode and only load the view’s data.

  • view (int | str | odoo.model.Model) – the id, xmlid or actual view object to use for onchanges and view constraints. If none is provided, simply loads the default view for the model.

Нове в версії 12.0.


Saves the form, returns the created record if applicable

  • does not save readonly fields

  • does not save unmodified fields (during edition) — any assignment or onchange return marks the field as modified, even if set to its current value


AssertionError – if the form has any unfilled required field

class odoo.tests.common.M2MProxy[source]

Behaves as a Sequence of recordsets, can be indexed or sliced to get actual underlying recordsets.


Adds record to the field, the record must already exist.

The addition will only be finalized when the parent record is saved.


Removes all existing records in the m2m

remove(id=None, index=None)[source]

Removes a record at a certain index or with a provided id from the field.

class odoo.tests.common.O2MProxy[source]

Returns a Form to edit the pre-existing One2many record.

The form is created from the list view if editable, or the field’s form view otherwise.


AssertionError – if the field is not editable


Returns a Form for a new One2many record, properly initialised.

The form is created from the list view if editable, or the field’s form view otherwise.


AssertionError – if the field is not editable


Removes the record at index from the parent form.


AssertionError – if the field is not editable

Running tests

Tests are automatically run when installing or updating modules if --test-enable was enabled when starting the Odoo server.

Test selection

In Odoo, Python tests can be tagged to facilitate the test selection when running tests.

Subclasses of odoo.tests.common.BaseCase (usually through TransactionCase, SavepointCase or HttpCase) are automatically tagged with standard and at_install by default.


--test-tags can be used to select/filter tests to run on the command-line. It implies --test-enable, so it’s not necessary to specify --test-enable when using --test-tags.

This option defaults to +standard meaning tests tagged standard (explicitly or implicitly) will be run by default when starting Odoo with --test-enable.

When writing tests, the tagged() decorator can be used on test classes to add or remove tags.

The decorator’s arguments are tag names, as strings.


tagged() is a class decorator, it has no effect on functions or methods

Tags can be prefixed with the minus (-) sign, to remove them instead of add or select them e.g. if you don’t want your test to be executed by default you can remove the standard tag:

from odoo.tests import TransactionCase, tagged

@tagged('-standard', 'nice')
class NiceTest(TransactionCase):

This test will not be selected by default, to run it the relevant tag will have to be selected explicitly:

$ odoo-bin --test-tags nice

Note that only the tests tagged nice are going to be executed. To run both nice and standard tests, provide multiple values to --test-tags: on the command-line, values are additive (you’re selecting all tests with any of the specified tags)

$ odoo-bin --test-tags nice,standard

The config switch parameter also accepts the + and - prefixes. The + prefix is implied and therefore, totally optional. The - (minus) prefix is made to deselect tests tagged with the prefixed tags, even if they are selected by other specified tags e.g. if there are standard tests which are also tagged as slow you can run all standard tests except the slow ones:

$ odoo-bin --test-tags 'standard,-slow'

When you write a test that does not inherit from the BaseCase, this test will not have the default tags, you have to add them explicitly to have the test included in the default test suite. This is a common issue when using a simple unittest.TestCase as they’re not going to get run:

import unittest
from odoo.tests import tagged

@tagged('standard', 'at_install')
class SmallTest(unittest.TestCase):

Besides tags you can also specify specific modules, classes or functions to test. The full syntax of the format accepted by --test-tags is:


So if you want to test the stock_account module, you can use:

$ odoo-bin --test-tags /stock_account

If you want to test a specific function with a unique name, it can be specified directly:

$ odoo-bin --test-tags .test_supplier_invoice_forwarded_by_internal_user_without_supplier

This is equivalent to

$ odoo-bin --test-tags /account:TestAccountIncomingSupplierInvoice.test_supplier_invoice_forwarded_by_internal_user_without_supplier

if the name of the test is unambiguous. Multiple modules, classes and functions can be specified at once separated by a , like with regular tags.

Special tags

  • standard: All Odoo tests that inherit from BaseCase are implicitly tagged standard. --test-tags also defaults to standard.

    That means untagged test will be executed by default when tests are enabled.

  • at_install: Means that the test will be executed right after the module installation and before other modules are installed. This is a default implicit tag.

  • post_install: Means that the test will be executed after all the modules are installed. This is what you want for HttpCase tests most of the time.

    Note that this is not exclusive with at_install, however since you will generally not want both post_install is usually paired with -at_install when tagging a test class.



Tests will be executed only in installed modules. If you’re starting from a clean database, you’ll need to install the modules with the -i switch at least once. After that it’s no longer needed, unless you need to upgrade the module, in which case -u can be used. For simplicity, those switches are not specified in the examples below.

Run only the tests from the sale module:

$ odoo-bin --test-tags /sale

Run the tests from the sale module but not the ones tagged as slow:

$ odoo-bin --test-tags '/sale,-slow'

Run only the tests from stock or tagged as slow:

$ odoo-bin --test-tags '-standard, slow, /stock'


-standard is implicit (not required), and present for clarity

Testing JS code

Testing a complex system is an important safeguard to prevent regressions and to guarantee that some basic functionality still works. Since Odoo has a non trivial codebase in Javascript, it is necessary to test it. In this section, we will discuss the practice of testing JS code in isolation: these tests stay in the browser, and are not supposed to reach the server.

Qunit test suite

The Odoo framework uses the QUnit library testing framework as a test runner. QUnit defines the concepts of tests and modules (a set of related tests), and gives us a web based interface to execute the tests.

For example, here is what a pyUtils test could look like:


QUnit.test('simple arithmetic', function (assert) {

    var result = pyUtils.py_eval("1 + 2");
    assert.strictEqual(result, 3, "should properly evaluate sum");
    result = pyUtils.py_eval("42 % 5");
    assert.strictEqual(result, 2, "should properly evaluate modulo operator");

The main way to run the test suite is to have a running Odoo server, then navigate a web browser to /web/tests. The test suite will then be executed by the web browser Javascript engine.


The web UI has many useful features: it can run only some submodules, or filter tests that match a string. It can show every assertions, failed or passed, rerun specific tests, …


While the test suite is running, make sure that:

  • your browser window is focused,

  • it is not zoomed in/out. It needs to have exactly 100% zoom level.

If this is not the case, some tests will fail, without a proper explanation.

Testing Infrastructure

Here is a high level overview of the most important parts of the testing infrastructure:

  • there is an asset bundle named web.qunit_suite. This bundle contains the main code (assets common + assets backend), some libraries, the QUnit test runner and the test bundles listed below.

  • a bundle named web.tests_assets includes most of the assets and utils required by the test suite: custom QUnit asserts, test helpers, lazy loaded assets, etc.

  • another asset bundle, web.qunit_suite_tests, contains all the test scripts. This is typically where the test files are added to the suite.

  • there is a controller in web, mapped to the route /web/tests. This controller simply renders the web.qunit_suite template.

  • to execute the tests, one can simply point its browser to the route /web/tests. In that case, the browser will download all assets, and QUnit will take over.

  • there is some code in qunit_config.js which logs in the console some information when a test passes or fails.

  • we want the runbot to also run these tests, so there is a test (in test_js.py) which simply spawns a browser and points it to the web/tests url. Note that the browser_js method spawns a Chrome headless instance.

Modularity and testing

With the way Odoo is designed, any addon can modify the behaviour of other parts of the system. For example, the voip addon can modify the FieldPhone widget to use extra features. This is not really good from the perspective of the testing system, since this means that a test in the addon web will fail whenever the voip addon is installed (note that the runbot runs the tests with all addons installed).

At the same time, our testing system is good, because it can detect whenever another module breaks some core functionality. There is no complete solution to this issue. For now, we solve this on a case by case basis.

Usually, it is not a good idea to modify some other behaviour. For our voip example, it is certainly cleaner to add a new FieldVOIPPhone widget and modify the few views that needs it. This way, the FieldPhone widget is not impacted, and both can be tested.

Adding a new test case

Let us assume that we are maintaining an addon my_addon, and that we want to add a test for some javascript code (for example, some utility function myFunction, located in my_addon.utils). The process to add a new test case is the following:

  1. create a new file my_addon/static/tests/utils_tests.js. This file contains the basic code to add a QUnit module my_addon > utils.

    odoo.define('my_addon.utils_tests', function (require) {
    "use strict";
    var utils = require('my_addon.utils');
    QUnit.module('my_addon', {}, function () {
  2. In my_addon/assets.xml, add the file to the main test assets:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <template id="qunit_suite_tests" name="my addon tests" inherit_id="web.qunit_suite_tests">
            <xpath expr="//script[last()]" position="after">
                <script type="text/javascript" src="/my_addon/static/tests/utils_tests.js"/>
  3. Restart the server and update my_addon, or do it from the interface (to make sure the new test file is loaded)

  4. Add a test case after the definition of the utils sub test suite:

    QUnit.test("some test case that we want to test", function (assert) {
        var result = utils.myFunction(someArgument);
        assert.strictEqual(result, expectedResult);
  5. Visit /web/tests/ to make sure the test is executed

Helper functions and specialized assertions

Without help, it is quite difficult to test some parts of Odoo. In particular, views are tricky, because they communicate with the server and may perform many rpcs, which needs to be mocked. This is why we developed some specialized helper functions, located in test_utils.js.

  • Mock test functions: these functions help setting up a test environment. The most important use case is mocking the answers given by the Odoo server. These functions use a mock server. This is a javascript class that simulates answers to the most common model methods: read, search_read, nameget, …

  • DOM helpers: useful to simulate events/actions on some specific target. For example, testUtils.dom.click performs a click on a target. Note that it is safer than doing it manually, because it also checks that the target exists, and is visible.

  • create helpers: they are probably the most important functions exported by test_utils.js. These helpers are useful to create a widget, with a mock environment, and a lot of small detail to simulate as much as possible the real conditions. The most important is certainly createView.

  • qunit assertions: QUnit can be extended with specialized assertions. For Odoo, we frequently test some DOM properties. This is why we made some assertions to help with that. For example, the containsOnce assertion takes a widget/jQuery/HtmlElement and a selector, then checks if the target contains exactly one match for the css selector.

For example, with these helpers, here is what a simple form test could look like:

QUnit.test('simple group rendering', function (assert) {

    var form = testUtils.createView({
        View: FormView,
        model: 'partner',
        data: this.data,
        arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
                '<group>' +
                    '<field name="foo"/>' +
                '</group>' +
        res_id: 1,

    assert.containsOnce(form, 'table.o_inner_group');


Notice the use of the testUtils.createView helper and of the containsOnce assertion. Also, the form controller was properly destroyed at the end of the test.

Best Practices

In no particular order:

  • all test files should be added in some_addon/static/tests/

  • for bug fixes, make sure that the test fails without the bug fix, and passes with it. This ensures that it actually works.

  • try to have the minimal amount of code necessary for the test to work.

  • usually, two small tests are better than one large test. A smaller test is easier to understand and to fix.

  • always cleanup after a test. For example, if your test instantiates a widget, it should destroy it at the end.

  • no need to have full and complete code coverage. But adding a few tests helps a lot: it makes sure that your code is not completely broken, and whenever a bug is fixed, it is really much easier to add a test to an existing test suite.

  • if you want to check some negative assertion (for example, that a HtmlElement does not have a specific css class), then try to add the positive assertion in the same test (for example, by doing an action that changes the state). This will help avoid the test to become dead in the future (for example, if the css class is changed).


  • running only one test: you can (temporarily!) change the QUnit.test(…) definition into QUnit.only(…). This is useful to make sure that QUnit only runs this specific test.

  • debug flag: most create utility functions have a debug mode (activated by the debug: true parameter). In that case, the target widget will be put in the DOM instead of the hidden qunit specific fixture, and more information will be logged. For example, all mocked network communications will be available in the console.

  • when working on a failing test, it is common to add the debug flag, then comment the end of the test (in particular, the destroy call). With this, it is possible to see the state of the widget directly, and even better, to manipulate the widget by clicking/interacting with it.

Integration Testing

Testing Python code and JS code separately is very useful, but it does not prove that the web client and the server work together. In order to do that, we can write another kind of test: tours. A tour is a mini scenario of some interesting business flow. It explains a sequence of steps that should be followed. The test runner will then create a PhantomJs browser, point it to the proper url and simulate the click and inputs, according to the scenario.

Writing a test tour


To write a test tour for your_module, start with creating the required files:

├── ...
├── static
|   └── src
|       └── js
|           └── tours
|               └── your_tour.js
├── tests
|   ├── __init__.py
|   └── test_calling_the_tour.py
├── views
|   └── your_module_views.xml
└── __manifest__.py

You can then:

  • add your_tour.js as an asset in your_module_views.xml.

  • update __manifest__.py to load your_module_views.xml.

  • update __init__.py in the folder tests to import test_calling_the_tour.

Перегляньте також


  1. Setup your tour by registering it.

    odoo.define('your_module.your_tour_name', function (require) {
        'use strict';
        var tour = require('web_tour.tour');
        tour.register('your_tour_name', {
            url: '/web',  // Here, you can specify any other starting url
            test: true,
        }, [
            // Your sequence of steps
  2. Add any step you want.

Every step contains at least a trigger. You can either use the predefined steps or write your own personalized step.

Here are some example of steps:


// First step
// Second step
    trigger: '.o_app[data-menu-xmlid="your_module.maybe_your_module_menu_root"]',
    edition: 'community'  // Optional
}, {
    // Third step


    trigger: '.js_product:has(strong:contains(Chair floor protection)) .js_add',
    extra_trigger: '.oe_advanced_configurator_modal',  // This ensure we are in the wizard


    trigger: 'a:contains("Add a product")',
    // Extra-trigger to make sure a line is added before trying to add another one
    extra_trigger: '.o_field_many2one[name="product_template_id"] .o_external_button',

Here are some possible arguments for your personalized steps:

  • trigger: selector/element/jQuery you want to trigger

  • extra-trigger: optional selector/element/jQuery that needs to be present before the next step begins. This is especially useful when the tour needs to wait for a wizard to open, a line added to a list view…

  • run: optional action to run, defaults either to click or text Test if you are triggering an input. A multitude of actions are possible. Here are some of them: click, dbclick, tripleclick, text Example, drag_and_drop selector1 selector2

  • edition: optional,

    • If you don’t specify an edition, the step will be active in both community and enterprise.

    • Sometimes, a step will be different in enterprise or in community. You can then write two steps, one for the enterprise edition and one for the community one.

    • Generally, you want to specify an edition for steps that use the main menu as the main menus are different in community and enterprise.

  • position: optional

  • id: optional

  • auto: optional

  • in_modal: optional


Your browser’s developer tools are your best tool to find the element your tour needs to use as a trigger/extra-trigger.

Перегляньте також


To start a tour from a python test, make the class inherit from HTTPCase, and call start_tour:

def test_your_test(self):
    # Optional Setup
    self.start_tour("/web", 'your_module.your_tour_name', login="admin")
    # Optional verifications

Debugging tips

Running the tour in debug mode

First, activate the developer mode with ?debug=tests. Then, open your debug menu and click on Start Tour. You can now launch your tour from there with the button Test.

You can also add this step in your tour to stop it right where you want it to:

    trigger: "body",
    run: () => {debugger}


Be aware that when running the tour, any data added to the setup of your python test won’t be present in the tour unless you launched the test calling the tour with a breakpoint.

Screenshots and screencasts during browser_js tests

When running tests that use HttpCase.browser_js from the command line, the Chrome browser is used in headless mode. By default, if a test fails, a PNG screenshot is taken at the moment of the failure and written in


Two new command line arguments were added since Odoo 13.0 to control this behavior: --screenshots and --screencasts

Performance Testing

Query counts

One of the ways to test performance is to measure database queries. Manually, this can be tested with the --log-sql CLI parameter. If you want to establish the maximum number of queries for an operation, you can use the assertQueryCount() method, integrated in Odoo test classes.

with self.assertQueryCount(11):

Database population

Odoo CLI offers a database population feature.

odoo-bin populate

Instead of the tedious manual, or programmatic, specification of test data, one can use this feature to fill a database on demand with the desired number of test data. This can be used to detect diverse bugs or performance issues in tested flows.

To specify this feature for a given model, the following methods and attributes can be defined.


Return a dict mapping symbolic sizes ('small', 'medium', 'large') to integers, giving the minimal number of records that _populate() should create.

The default population sizes are:

  • small : 10

  • medium : 100

  • large : 1000


Return the list of models which have to be populated before the current one.

Тип повернення



Create records to populate this model.


size (str) – symbolic size for the number of records: 'small', 'medium' or 'large'


Generates a factory for the different fields of the model.

factory is a generator of values (dict of field values).

Factory skeleton:

def generator(iterator, field_name, model_name):
    for counter, values in enumerate(iterator):
        # values.update(dict())
        yield values

See odoo.tools.populate for population tools and applications.


list of pairs(field_name, factory) where factory is a generator function.

Тип повернення

list(tuple(str, generator))


It is the responsibility of the generator to handle the field_name correctly. The generator could generate values for multiple fields together. In this case, the field_name should be more a «field_group» (should be begin by a «_»), covering the different fields updated by the generator (e.g. «_address» for a generator updating multiple address fields).


You have to define at least _populate() or _populate_factories() on the model to enable database population.

Example model

from odoo.tools import populate

class CustomModel(models.Model)
    _inherit = "custom.some_model"
    _populate_sizes = {"small": 100, "medium": 2000, "large": 10000}
    _populate_dependencies = ["custom.some_other_model"]

    def _populate_factories(self):
        # Record ids of previously populated models are accessible in the registry
        some_other_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models["custom.some_other_model"]

        def get_some_field(values=None, random=None, **kwargs):
            """ Choose a value for some_field depending on other fields values.

                :param dict values:
                :param random: seeded :class:`random.Random` object
            field_1 = values['field_1']
            if field_1 in [value2, value3]:
                return random.choice(some_field_values)
            return False

        return [
            ("field_1", populate.randomize([value1, value2, value3])),
            ("field_2", populate.randomize([value_a, value_b], [0.5, 0.5])),
            ("some_other_id", populate.randomize(some_other_ids)),
            ("some_field", populate.compute(get_some_field, seed="some_field")),
            ('active', populate.cartesian([True, False])),

    def _populate(self, size):
        records = super()._populate(size)

        # If you want to update the generated records
        # E.g setting the parent-child relationships

        return records

Population tools

Multiple population tools are available to easily create the needed data generators.

odoo.tools.populate.cartesian(vals, weights=None, seed=False, formatter=<function format_str>, then=None)[source]

Return a factory for an iterator of values dicts that combines all vals for the field with the other field values in input.

  • vals (list) – list in which a value will be chosen, depending on weights

  • weights (list) – list of probabilistic weights

  • seed – optional initialization of the random number generator

  • formatter (function) – (val, counter, values) –> formatted_value

  • then (function) – if defined, factory used when vals has been consumed.


function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Тип повернення

function (iterator, str, str) -> dict

odoo.tools.populate.compute(function, seed=None)[source]

Return a factory for an iterator of values dicts that computes the field value as function(values, counter, random), where values is the other field values, counter is an integer, and random is a pseudo-random number generator.

  • function (function) – (values, counter, random) –> field_values

  • seed – optional initialization of the random number generator


function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Тип повернення

function (iterator, str, str) -> dict

odoo.tools.populate.constant(val, formatter=<function format_str>)[source]

Return a factory for an iterator of values dicts that sets the field to the given value in each input dict.


function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Тип повернення

function (iterator, str, str) -> dict

odoo.tools.populate.iterate(vals, weights=None, seed=False, formatter=<function format_str>, then=None)[source]

Return a factory for an iterator of values dicts that picks a value among vals for each input. Once all vals have been used once, resume as then or as a randomize generator.

  • vals (list) – list in which a value will be chosen, depending on weights

  • weights (list) – list of probabilistic weights

  • seed – optional initialization of the random number generator

  • formatter (function) – (val, counter, values) –> formatted_value

  • then (function) – if defined, factory used when vals has been consumed.


function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Тип повернення

function (iterator, str, str) -> dict

odoo.tools.populate.randint(a, b, seed=None)[source]

Return a factory for an iterator of values dicts that sets the field to the random integer between a and b included in each input dict.

  • a (int) – minimal random value

  • b (int) – maximal random value


function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Тип повернення

function (iterator, str, str) -> dict

odoo.tools.populate.randomize(vals, weights=None, seed=False, formatter=<function format_str>, counter_offset=0)[source]

Return a factory for an iterator of values dicts with pseudo-randomly chosen values (among vals) for a field.

  • vals (list) – list in which a value will be chosen, depending on weights

  • weights (list) – list of probabilistic weights

  • seed – optional initialization of the random number generator

  • formatter (function) – (val, counter, values) –> formatted_value

  • counter_offset (int) –


function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Тип повернення

function (iterator, str, str) -> dict