Developer¶ Learn through tutorials and get help using reference guides. Tutorials Getting started Chapter 1: Architecture Overview Chapter 2: Development environment setup Chapter 3: A New Application Chapter 4: Models And Basic Fields Chapter 5: Security - A Brief Introduction Chapter 6: Finally, Some UI To Play With Chapter 7: Basic Views Chapter 8: Relations Between Models Chapter 9: Computed Fields And Onchanges Chapter 10: Ready For Some Action? Chapter 11: Constraints Chapter 12: Add The Sprinkles Chapter 13: Inheritance Chapter 14: Interact With Other Modules Chapter 15: A Brief History Of QWeb Chapter 16: The final word Define module data Restrict access to data Safeguard your code with unit tests Build PDF Reports Visualize data in dashboards How-to guides Profiling Odoo code Multi-company Guidelines Accounting Localization Translating Modules Connect with a device Reference Server Addons ORM API Data Files Actions Views Module Manifests QWeb Reports Security in Odoo Testing Odoo Web Controllers Mixins and Useful Classes Javascript Modules Javascript Cheatsheet Javascript Reference Mobile JavaScript QWeb Templates Command-line interface (CLI) External API Extract API Edit on GitHub