Автоматизоване управління контрактами

Automatic contract creation

Confirm a quotation with recurring products and the subscription contract is automatically created based on the confirmed order.

Automatic contract renewals

Customers' payment information is saved securely and their payment method is charged automatically when it's time to renew their subscription.

Автоматичне виставлення рахунків клієнтам

As an alternative to automatic renewals, customers are automatically invoiced when it's time to renew their subscription. Accounting is automatically up-to-date,

including invoice creation, validation, and payment encoding.

Automatic rating requests

Attach an email template to a stage or use automated actions to send surveys to customers at certain times and get their feedback about services.

Автоматична обробка податків

Taxes are managed automatically and in real-time based on your company's location and tax settings.

Вдоволення клієнтів

Легка реєстрація

Send quotations directly to customers through a secured URL. Customers can confirm their orders online.

Вхід не вимагається

No need for customers to log in or even create an account on your website to browse contracts and quotations.

Зручний клієнтський портал

Customers can access all their documents online, at-a-glance and in detail: active subscriptions, interactive quotes that let them contact a salesperson, sales orders, and invoices (in pdf format).

Customer editing

Let customers modify their contact information online and fine-tune their subscription contract's access rights. Display extra options that customers can add or remove from their contract.

Очистити загальний огляд

Customers can easily view all their contract details online: invoice address, next invoice date, recurrence, subscription plan, options, and payment information.

Easy payments and customer invoicing

Save customers' payment information for automatic payments. Customers can also receive invoices by email automatically.

Контракти, що закриваються клієнтами

Customers can close the contract themselves and provide a reason for closing.

Жодні дані не втрачено, ніколи

Інформація надійно зберігається, навіть якщо платіж не проходить.

Аналітика та прогноз

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

View data for new, churned, expansion, down, and net new MRR. Revenues are automatically recognized and tracked as they incur. MRR analysis is available for each individual recurring sales order.

Growth analysis

Forecasted annual MRR growth and forecasted annual contract growth.

Аналіз замовлення клієнта

Track the reasons why customers close their subscriptions.

Відстеження KPI

Track net and non-recurring revenue, average revenue per contract, annual run rate, lifetime value, logo churn, revenue churn, and contracts.

Когортний аналіз

Відстежуйте рівень утримання клієнтів за допомогою налаштовуваного аналізу когорт.

Salesperson analysis

Examine each salesperson's impact on your MRR for new, churned, expansion, down, and net new MRR.

Життя продажів стало простішим

One-time sales and subscriptions together

Sell and upsell one-time-sales and subscription products on the same sales order. Odoo Subscriptions and Odoo Sales are perfectly integrated.

Online payment and e-signature

Customers can confirm orders online using e-signature and/or online payment methods.

Quotation templates

Save time by creating contract templates for your most frequent scenarios.

Billing options

Configure pricelists, discounts, units of measure, and more.

Recurrence options

Configure custom recurrence periods (e.g. Weekly, Monthly, 2 Months).

Health checks

Set conditions on subscription templates to differentiate your subscriptions in good health and in bad health.

Automated actions

Trigger customizable alerts (e.g. send emails, schedule activities, update subscriptions, send surveys) as soon as a subscription raises one of your preconfigured red flags.

Controlled customer capabilities

Grant different access rights to your customers to let them self-subscribe and manage their subscriptions online: restricted, upgrade only, or upgrade and downgrade. Define service options and setup fees.

Online sales

Sell subscriptions on your website.