Tax rates (fiscal positions)

In Odoo, Fiscal Positions let you apply different taxes based on the customer location. In a Point of Sale, such as a restaurant, it can be used to apply different taxes depending if the customer eats in or takes away.

Set up fiscal positions for PoS

To enable this feature, go to Point of Sale ‣ Configuration ‣ Point of Sale and check Fiscal Position per Order. Now, you can choose the fiscal positions you want for your PoS.



You need to create your fiscal positions before using this feature.

Using fiscal positions

Once on your PoS interface, click on the Tax button. Now, choose the fiscal position you need for the current order.


Set up a default fiscal position

If you want to use a default fiscal position, meaning that a preexisting value is always automatically assigned, go to Point of Sale ‣ Configuration ‣ Point of Sale and enable Fiscal Position. Now, choose one to set as the default one.



Now, the tax button is replaced by a on site button when on the PoS interface.