Uitgaven herfactureren naar klanten

It often happens that your employees have to spend their personal money while working on a project for your client. Let’s take the example of a consultant paying for a hotel to work on the site of your client. As a company, you would like to be able to invoice that expense to your client.

Declaratie configuratie

To track & invoice expenses, you will need the expenses app. Go to Apps ‣ Expenses to install it.

You should also activate the analytic accounts feature to link expenses to the sales order, to do so, go to Invoicing ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate Analytic Accounting.

Voeg declaraties toe aan uw verkooporder

From the expense app, you or your consultant can create a new one, e.g. the hotel for the first week on the site of your customer.

You can then enter a relevant description and select an existing product or create a new one from right there.


Hier maken we een Hotel product:


Under the invoicing tab, select Delivered quantities and either At cost or Sales price as well depending if you want to invoice the cost of your expense or a previously agreed on sales price.


To modify or create more products go to Expenses ‣ Configuration ‣ Expense products.

Back on the expense, add the original sale order in the expense to submit.


Het kan hierna ingediend worden bij de manager, goedgekeurd worden en geboekt worden.

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Het komt dan op de verkooporder en is klaar om te factureren.