AOC aims of providing professional services in the field of engineering geared to meet man's needs for a better living, and continues to do so with a keen spirit of enterprise and an uncompromising approach to customer satisfaction.In the early years the company was engaged in residential, commercial and light industrial projects with emphasis on architectural structural and electro mechanical design.
يهدف مكتب العثمان للاستشارات الهندسية إلى تقديم خدمات احترافية في مجال الهندسة موجهة لتلبية احتياجات الإنسان من أجل حياة أفضل، وتستمر في القيام بذلك بروح المبادرة القوية ونهج لا هوادة فيه لتحقيق رضا العملاء. في السنوات الأولى كانت الشركة تعمل في المشاريع السكنية والتجارية والصناعية الخفيفة مع التركيز على التصميم المعماري والهيكلي والكهروميكانيكي.
Dịch vụ Khác
AbdulAziz Almodhy Law Firm
Abdul Aziz Al Mudhahi Law Firm and Legal Consultations is a local Saudi office that is focused on the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, moving towards globalization in order to serve the economic, commercial and civil base.We integrate the provisions of Islamic Sharia and the approach of modern international legal practices, and keep pace with distinguished and innovative legal services and solutions with high professionalism, provided by Abdulaziz's office Al Mudhahi Advocates and Legal Consultants through the main office in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and our many allies in the Middle East, the European Union and the United States of America.
We offer an integrated set of professional legal services in accordance with the principle of transparency, sustainability and distinguished expertise of lawyers and legal experts. Dịch vụ Khác
Abdullrahman Taleb Alshammari
Non-Destructive Testing Services.Company Background:
• Size: <20
• Hosting type: Odoo Online
Odoo Apps Implemented:
• Accounting, Invoicing
• Knowledge, Documents, BI, Sign.
Key Challenges & Solutions:
• Routine Bookkeeping: Routine bookkeeping including posting of all Vendor bills, Customer invoices, Bank statements and Reconciliations, Fixed Assets, Prepayments and others manual adjustments.
• ERP Administration: Managing and maintaining Chart of Accounts, Product master etc.
• Management reporting: Analytics, Business insights, Investor ratios, Financial Statements, Receivable and Income Analysis, Expense Analysis.
• " You are super. You are the best, brother." – Abdul Rahman Al-Shammari, CEO at Greenland NDT Dịch vụ Khác
Acceleration Co Ltd
We are domain experts who are focused on delivering professional operational and advisory services for the energy market in Saudi Arabia.With more than 50 years of combined personnel experience in the local and international energy market, we specialize in positioning, promotion,sales, and deployment of various technologies in the Saudi Arabian Energy market. Dịch vụ KhácAcedrA Pharmaceutical Company
AcedrA Pharmaceutical Company is a regional leading provider of cutting-edge scientific & business services , offering scalable solutions for clinical stage and commercial stage companies of all sizes.Founded by a group of experts who started by scribbling their ideas on a piece of paper , today they offer smart , innovative services to dozen of clients worldwide. Dịch vụ Khác
Advanced Aerial Mapping Services Ltd
Advanced Aerial Mapping Services Limited, is the leading Aerial Survey and Geospatial company specialised in airborne data acquisition such as laser scanning, vertical aerial imagery, Oblique imagery, thermal imagery and moreover offer a complete range of photogrammetric services.We pride ourselves on our strict quality control standards to ensure that every project we undertake meets or exceeds accuracy standards. Dịch vụ Khác
Al Fateh FC
نادي الفتح السعودي أحد أقدم أندية محافظة الأحساء من حيث التأسيس، حيث تأسس رسميًا في 8 أكتوبر عام 1958م الموافق 24 ربيع أول من عام 1378 هـ ويعد الفتح أحد أفضل الأندية على مستوى المملكة العربية السعودية بسبب تفوقه وحصده العديد من البطولات في معظم الألعاب، وسمي بسبب ذلك بالنادي النموذجي.كما أن الفريق الأول لكرة القدم بنادي الفتح نجح في تحقيق أكبر انجاز له بعد فوزه بالدوري السعودي للمحترفين في موسم 2012 - 2013م ثم تحقيقه كأس السوبر السعودي عام 2013م ويعتبر الفتح أول نادي سعودي يحقق كأس السوبر Dịch vụ Khác
AlJawad AlMota'alaq Private Security
تقوم شركة الجواد المتألق للحراسات الأمنية بتوفير أفضل الكوادر من افراد الامن والمشرفين المدربين جيدا لتزويد عملائنا بالخدماتالأمنية في المراكز التجارية والمصانع والمحلات التجارية والمستودعات والبنوك والمستشفيات والمشروعات تحت الانشاء والمدارس
والجامعات والمؤسسات التعليمية.
الالتزام هو جوهر عملنا، وحرصــا منــا علــى التميــز و الانفراد فــي جــودة الخدمــات التــي نقدمهــا لعملائنــا حيث ان نشاط
الحراسات الأمنية من الأنشطة التي تسبب هاجسـا لأغلـب عمـلاء هـذه الخدمـات ولتحقيـق الأهـداف الإسـتراتيجية لـكل خدمـة انتهجـت
شـركتنا سياسـات ومفاهيـم إداريــة وتشــغيلية أكثــر مرونــة واعتنــت بتشــغيل افضل الشــباب الســعودي المؤهليــن وتــم اختيارهــم
علــى أسس علمية مثل (الــوازع الدينــي – الســيرة الحســنه- الخبــرة السابقة – اللياقـة البدنيـة - المظهـر اللائق) وقد تـم تدريبهـم علـى
أعلــى المســتويات بأشراف افضل الخبرات الأمنية. Dịch vụ Khác
AlMoajil Holding
Abdulaziz & Saad Al Moajil Co. was established in 1928 as a collective partnership company between the two brothers Abdulaziz & Saad and started functioning as a food stuff import company. During its century long successful operation, the company diversified into various fields such as Real estate, manufacturing, international manufacturers’ representation, Trading, Furniture, Foreign & Domestic Investments etc. Besides the company is a shareholder of many reputed Saudi Joint stock companies in different fields such as industry, agriculture, services, banking & finance, trade & commerce etc. Today Abdulaziz & Saad Al-Moajil is one of the leading commercial institutions, with extensive operation presence throughout the kingdom and other gulf countries. Dịch vụ KhácAlasilacx
Customer Experience (CX) has never been so importantAt AlasilaCX, we provide the perspectives, guidance, and tools you need to create a next-generation, personalized customer experience and deliver at scale.
As early leaders in the field of customer experience management in the Saudi market, we drive the planning, design, and delivery of innovative, differentiated customer experiences. At AlasilaCX, our teams provide leading customer experience solutions that build on deep knowledge and advanced technologies.
In the years to come, we will continue to expand our industry thought leadership, while leveraging strategy, creativity, and technology to create experiences that customers love. We will, therefore, continue to be a leading global customer experience improvement company that delivers significant and measurable business results for the companies we serve. Dịch vụ Khác
Alesnad Specialized Limited Co.
Alesnad Specialized Limited Co. (Pro FM) aims to meet the administrative and operational needs of the public and privatesectors in Saudi Arabia. And keeps up with the evolution and excellence in Customers'
providing services, continued logistics development, and concerns for its human
Proceeding from our national roles, and to strengthen our groundbreaking positions in
the logistics sector, we keep up the development steps in National Transformation
Program 2020, we have created the internal program in the comprehensive update and
strategic expansion, then we set the future goals to achieve all aspirations at all levels and
keep up Saudi Arabia vision 2030.
We are proud of our national cadres with high competence of knowledge, management
and consultative that advance the task of strategic transformation, and implement its
goals of expansion and evolution through the administrative structure development, and
modernize the infrastructure.
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