ITF Enhancing Human Security (ITF) (previously named International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victims Assistance) is a humanitarian, non-profit organization established by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia with the initial purpose to help Bosnia and Herzegovina in the implementation of the peace agreement and to provide assistance and support in post-conflict rehabilitation. With the help of Odoo, Hermes has set up a budget monitoring system to monitor their donations and project costs in detail. As a non-profit organization, they are obliged to report donations and activities to the competent institutions. Odoo helps them with that. Dịch vụ KhácNGEN d.o.o. d.o.o. is an energy system solutions provider.
NGEN uses the technology of pooling production, storage and consuption units. Each entity represents one unit of virtual power plant (VPP), together they form a balancing group that is managed by NGEN through system algorithm for performing primary, secondary and tertiary power system frequency regulation. Dịch vụ Khác