
Job positions

Create and organize all positions, and easily see how many vacancies, applicants, and activities there are for each job.

Completely customizable

Create customized employment types, job positions, and hiring work flows to fit your organization's needs and processes

Publish openings

Post or remove job openings on your website with a single click.

Pracovné webstránky

Link job posts to other employment sites, and see what channels are providing the most applicants with relevant reporting.

Riadenie náborového procesu

Manage a pipeline of candidates by creating a flow of activities for each job, with scheduled calls, meetings, interviews, and more.


Follow the application process within the Kanban view, seeing how many candidates are in each stage, which ones are on track, and which have activities to schedule.

Integrated Activities

Contact applicants, schedule meetings and call, or send emails directly from the application card.


Spravujte všetko od e-mailov aplikácií až po automatické odpovede priamo z aplikácie.

Integrácia kalendáru

Schedule interviews and send meeting invites directly from Odoo, and synchronize your Odoo calendar with your Google or Outlook calendar.

Document organization

Create a repository with all your applicants' resumes and employee contracts, well organized and instantly accessible.


Quickly filter candidates

Create a test or questionnaire for applicants to answer, providing valuable insight for the recruitment team.

Candidates schedule meetings themselves

Candidates can schedule their phone calls and interviews themselves, right from the website. The recruiter's availability lets the candidate know what times are available.

Posielajte ponuky online

Generate offers for candidates, and let them review the offer, upload their personal information and sign the offer remotely.

Konfigurátor platov

Nechajte svojich zamestnancov zostaviť si vlastný balík výhod: hrubý plat, voľné dni, stravný poukaz atď.


Employee integration

Z jedného uchádzača urobte z uchádzača výberového konania zamestnanca v systéme. Čítajte viac

Onboarding with ease

Once an employee is hired, launch an onboarding plan to get them up and running.


Create surveys for new employees to better understand the hiring process from their perspective, and improve upon it.


See how well the team is performing, where candidates are coming from, and if candidates are moving through the pipeline on time with relevant reports.