I have a module created for helpdesk tickets. I have a menu called public tickets that will show all tickets created regardless of user. What I would like is a second menu called "my tickets" which just shows ticket that I have created and/or responsible for.
I started with a menu item:
<menuitem id="helpdesk_mytickets_menu" name="My Tickets" parent="helpdesk_menu" action="helpdesk_mytickets_action"/>
and I created a view dependant on Public Ticket. Both are showing same results so I tried to add a filter to My tickets view:
<field name="responsible_id" domain="[('responsible_id', '=', res_users_id"/>
This is not working
Not sure what I need to do here. Is it best to create a new module and inherit? (tried but menu didn't appear) or
can I just add a filter to current module and get it to show up in "my tickets" menu?