Enterprise, V10
My incoming/outgoing Odoo mail servers used to work and I only recently discovered that the incoming mail server was not working...for quite some time now. I can send an email from, say, the Sales module chatter window and it is received by my clients. When they reply, however, I get no response. When I go into the incoming server email accounts and try to Fetch, the system hangs (it says that it's loading but never finishes loading...even after more than 1/2 hour). If I try to RESET CONFIRMATION, the system hangs. If I try to delete the email address the system hangs.
I thought that the problem might be that I changed a password or something but find that when I edit the email accounts it does not let me edit the email address or the password (both are disabled fields). I can go to my Outlook email and send a message to the Odoo incoming email address and can open up the webmail account for that Odoo email address and read the incoming message without a problem...but the message never goes to Odoo for me to read.
I'm 'stuck' and suspect that someone with more experience will get a chuckle out of this and tell me where I've gone wrong. I've attached some screen shots that may or may not shed light on the subject.
Note: your post was edited by a moderator to show the images and include extra information in the question (define 'not working')