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Odoo Web Design Services 101 - Design Progress & Responsiveness

Thêm vào lịch:

From our last webinar, our web design expert team has brought you through the planning and structuring part of building a website with Odoo. Once the wireframes are done, we will jump into the next step - constructing a responsive and comprehensive website with Odoo. 

This webinar aims to bring you through the journey of building a website on Odoo with our web design expert. We will walk through the steps of creating a responsive website, using conditional blocks and examples to illustrate each step. 

To learn more, join us for a live session on YouTube on 11th October, 2023. During this session, we will cover the following topics:


  • Key Points from our last discussion - sitemap and wireframes 
  • Translate the wireframes in Odoo website builder 
  • Creating a responsive website
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Conclusion 
  • Q&A 

*This webinar will be presented in English.


To register, simply click the green register button at the top of this page.

Speakers of the day 

Jessica Belloc & Ananda Mandalihan

Web Design Expert (APAC)