Tutorial - Develop an App with the Odoo Framework
Địa điểm: Aula Magna / Lauzelle - 14:30, 03/10/2018 - 15:20, 03/10/2018 (Europe/Brussels) (50 phút)
Tutorial - Develop an App with the Odoo Framework
Yannick Tivisse, Developer - Odoo
Python & Javascript Developer at Odoo
Yannick Tivisse, Developer - Odoo
Python & Javascript Developer at Odoo

Discover why Odoo is the perfect choice to develop a simple application in a few minutes.The business case used is a plant nursery. The covered technical elements are the following:

- Structure of a module

- Complex views

- Relation between models

- ORM interactions

- Other cool features, depending on time

Note: This presentation target people who don't know the Odoo Framework.