Inventory: Advanced Flow with the New Barcode UI
Functional Discovery
Địa điểm: Aula Magna / Théâtre - 17:30, 03/10/2018 - 17:50, 03/10/2018 (Europe/Brussels) (20 phút)
Inventory: Advanced Flow with the New Barcode UI
Nicolas Bassine, Business Analyst - Odoo
Business Analyst at Odoo
Nicolas Bassine, Business Analyst - Odoo
Business Analyst at Odoo

Laura Piraux joined Odoo in 2015 to work as Business Analyst. She managed projects of different sizes from all over Europe. In 2017, she moved to the Product Owner Team. She is now focused on improving the logistic apps such as Inventory, MRP, Quality, etc.

This talk may interest beginner and expert users who want to work with a barcode scanner. The version and edition covered will be Odoo 12, Enterprise only.

Join the talk to discover the new barcode interface. You will learn how to to use it to treat transfers and inventory adjustments efficiently. Furthermore, you will everything that's new in Odoo V12 related to barcode scanning.