Svenska Bussglas AB

Svenska Bussglas AB

Master of large vehicle glass

We offer repairs and replacement of glass panes on all types of heavy vehicles – everything from buses, trams, trucks, subways, trains and agricultural and construction machinery. Thanks to our specialist competence, first-class service and high availability, customers choose to come to us.

Welcome to book an appointment online for stone chipping or replacement of your windshield at one of our nine workshops around Sweden*x9ehgu*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTgzODc3NzU1OC4xNzE4MjY3Mzc4*_ga_5C3BBHX39Q*MTcxODI2NzM3Ni4xLjEuMTcxODI2NzQ1Mi4wLjAuMA..