Milk and Honey Trading PLC

Milk and Honey Trading PLC

Mik and Honey Restaurant, a prominent dining destination renowned for its exquisite cuisine and ambiance, has taken a significant leap forward in customer service and operational efficiency through a partnership with ETTA Solutions PLC. Leveraging the power of Odoo's comprehensive suite, we have delivered a state-of-the-art automation system that elevates the dining experience to new heights.

Our tailor-made solution for Mik and Honey incorporates cutting-edge features, including:

1. QR Code Ordering:

We've revolutionized the traditional dining process by introducing QR code-based ordering. Customers can now scan a QR code at their table, view the menu, and place orders directly from their smartphones, reducing wait times and enhancing the ordering process.

2. Integrated Payment Solutions:

With seamless integration of payment processing, guests at Mik and Honey can pay for their meals via their mobile devices, supporting a variety of payment methods for convenience and speed.

3. Advanced Booking System:

Our implementation of an advanced booking system within Odoo allows customers to reserve tables, customize their dining preferences, and manage reservations without a hassle, directly from their devices or the restaurant’s website.

4. Efficient Delivery Management:

The delivery system has been overhauled to ensure that food reaches customers quickly while it’s still hot and fresh. The Odoo platform manages delivery orders, routes, and times, ensuring optimal efficiency.

5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

By deploying Odoo's CRM module, we've given Mik and Honey the tools to build and maintain a loyal customer base, track preferences, and personalize the service, which turns one-time diners into regular patrons.

6. Inventory and Sales Analytics:

The back-end operations have been streamlined with real-time inventory tracking and powerful sales analytics, enabling the restaurant to make data-driven decisions, manage procurement, and minimize waste.

7. Marketing and Promotion:

Utilizing Odoo's marketing tools, Mik and Honey can now run targeted promotions, loyalty programs, and communicate directly with customers, driving engagement and repeat business.

Through this transformative automation project, Mik and Honey Restaurant has not only optimized its internal processes but also created a distinctive and modern dining experience that sets the restaurant apart in a competitive market. ETTA Solutions PLC is at the forefront of this innovation, demonstrating our expertise in leveraging Odoo’s versatile platform to meet the unique needs of the hospitality industry.