
MRP Tour: Facts and Figures

MRP Tour was a real success!

The Odoo MRP tour just finished and we are so thrilled with its success!

This past year, our R&D team has been working very hard on the new MRP application. They did such a good job that we decided to present a Beta version before its official release (scheduled with the Odoo 10 in October 2016 during the Odoo Experience).

The MRP app is the highlight of Odoo 10 and marks a real big step in the manufacturing industry. A complete and integrated software to manage Planning, Quality, Operations, Maintenance, Traceability and PLM has never been developed before! So it's no wonder it has been met with so much enthousiasm! The preview attracted more than 650 people in 10 countries. We believe it's quite significant as it's a very specific subject and the tour took place during the holidays periode !

More than 1400 people registered for the roadshow in Belgium, France, Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, United States and India. 

These kind of events are always the opportunity to meet local partners and end-users and get valuable feedback. During two hours, Nicolas Penicault, Odoo Account Manager and Josse Colpart, Odoo MRP Developer, presented a demo of the application. The duo was ideal in answering the Business and Technical questions.

But this tour was just the beginning! Come and discover the MRP features during our main event, the Odoo Experience scheduled on October 5-7, 2016. This 8th edition's peak will be the release of Odoo 10 and the presentation of its new features. If you can't wait, you can already get an idea of the power of this app with our MRP Comparison White Paper available here.

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