Hello All,
i have a Many2one('product_weight') field in sales order based on product.product. And i try to return that field values in sales order line(product). In product.template i added a check_box('is_weight'). So, in sales order for 'product_weight' only weight products are available. So, how to return that 'product_weight' value in sales order line(product_id) ?
My code is here:
class sale_order_pet(models.Model):
_inherit = "sale.order"
product_weight = fields.Many2one('product.product', string='Service products', domain="[('is_weight','=',True)]")
def _onchange_action_weight_add(self):
res = self.product_id
print"resss:::", res
if res:
line_values = {'product_id': self.product_weight.id,
sale_order_line = self.env['sale.order.line'].create(line_values)
Thanks in advance
Hello pawan try below link i hope it helps you