Hello All,
i have 3 districts and some areas related to these district. Now, i want that when i select area than related district default show in next field, no need to fill district. for this my code is below:
Python Code:
class district_code_form(models.Model):
_name = 'district.districe.code'
_rec_name = 'district_value'
district_value = fields.Char('District Value')
district_region = fields.One2many('district.district', 'district_id', string="District Workflow")
class district_form(models.Model):
_name = 'district.district'
_rec_name = 'district'
district_id = fields.Many2one('district.district.code', string='Districts Id', ondelete='cascade', index=True, copy=False)
district = fields.Char("District")
district_code = fields.Char('District Code')
Now i want to access this configuration table for this my code is here:
class customer_information(models.Model):
_inherit = "res.partner"
@api.onchange('district_table_case', 'district_table')
def _onchange_district_table(self):
print "A:", self.district_table_case.district_region
print "B:", self.district_table_case.district_value
rec = self.district_table_case.district_region
res = self.district_table_case.district_value
print "res:", res
if res:
return {'domain': {'district_table_case': [('id', 'in', res)]}}
return {'domain': {'district_table_case': []}}
district_table = fields.Many2one('district.district')
district_table_case = fields.Many2one('district.districe.code', change_default=True,
i am getting all ids on terminal screen but not getting upto the mark
Thanks in advance.