I would like to fix my mail server configuration and I'm wondering what is the proper way to do this.
Previously in my attempt to configure mail server I encountered a problem because Odoo wanted to send emails from the address of a particular user and failed. I solved this by editing Odoo source code following this very nice comment by Victor:
And I set the sender to be a user that credentials were put inside the mail server configuration. Surprisingly it simply worked. After that I also tried to fix the Reply-to field to avoid the mess with replies.
But now I came to the point when I appreciated the Odoo feature to catch the incoming mails replies and add them back to the mail thread.
What is the best way to do this?- Is there a way to put the configuration in files (so it is more replicable) rather than just typing it inside backed UI?
- Is it good idea to fix the email sender? I think this is cleaner solution and less confusing to the users - people are just used to mails coming from one source if they come from some external service, rather than imitating other users.
- If it is a good solution is there a way to force it with for example custom module rather than altering Odoo source code?