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Key points

  • I have two warehouses, "Warehouse 1" buys and supplies "Warehouse 2".

  • "Product A" has the following routes:

    • Replenish on Order (MTO)

    • Supply from "Warehouse 2"

What i am doing in Odoo...

  1. I have stock of 5 units of "Product A" in "Warehouse 2"

  2. I placed and confirmed a Sales Order (SO001) from "Warehouse 2" with 1 unit of "Product A" and Odoo automatically reserves 1 unit, which is fine according to my processes. I have not yet delivered this order.

  3. After the Sale Order (SO001) was confirmed I still have 5 units in stock but 1 unit was already reserved, therefore I only had 4 units available to delivery.

  4. I placed and confirmed a new Sale Order (SO002) but now I sold 10 units of "Product A"

  5. Odoo automatically request to "Warehouse 1" 10 units of "Product A".

The behavior I'm looking forward to ...

  1. Odoo should make partial delivery with 4 units of "Product A" and request 6 units from "Warehouse 1" and if there is not units available, place the purchase order for the 6 units.



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