Hi community,
while working on Delivery in 3 steps: Pick pack, ship. I have activated Packages in Configuration and Move Entire Packages in operation Type Internal transfers.
When i put products in Pack, i get the right packaging but don't understand what the model stock.package_level is for.
Can someone explain to me the functional use of Stock Package Level which refers to the model Stock Package Level ?
For example :
why would we need a state for packaging products ?
why does it have to be Draft after validating the Ship ?
After validation of Ship, why does new record(s) apprear in field move_line_ids_without_package ? ( i presume this field only contains move line non related to a package as its name refers to. that is to say, a product that is not packed.. )
I can only see its relation with stock.quant.package, stock.move.line and stock.move