I have a contact form made in html:
<div class="gi-form">
<form name="send_mail" method="post">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<p>Support contact</p>
<td><textarea cols="50" rows="1" name="Subject">Subject</textarea></td>
<td><textarea cols="50" rows="5" name="Mitteilung">Your Message</textarea></td>
<button string="Send E-mail" type="object" name="send_mail">Send</button>
In PYthon I use this function:
from openerp.osv import osv, fields
from openerp import api
import smtplib
class mail_mail(osv.osv):
_name = 'mail_mail'
_inherit = ['mail.mail']
def send_mail(self,cr,uid,ids,odoo_record,context=None):
ir_mail_server = self.pool.get('ir.mail_server')
title = "Your e-mail title"
message = "This is the concent from your e-mail. An example from a field inside the e-mail: " + odoo_record.odoo_dns_url + "\n\nWith kind regards,\nYenthe"
#Structure mail function: def build_email(self, email_from, email_to, subject, body, email_cc=None, email_bcc=None, reply_to=False, msg = ir_mail_server.build_email("test@gmx.ch", ["test@gmx.ch"], title, message,["test@gmx.ch"],[],"test@gmx.ch")
ir_mail_server.send_email(cr, uid, msg)
But when I click the button from the form, I never get in this function right here "send_mail"
How Can I make this form button above, to send an email to an email address with a subject and the content text??
Thank you