hi, I want to send an email with a custom template
but I can´t,.
I make a request from a webpage form.
my code is:
mail_value = {'subject': 'Prueba ',
'body_html': 'test',
'email_from': 'panchito@hotmail.com',
'email_to': 'juanito@outlook.com'}
return '---------------------------'+str('listo')
mail_value = {'subject': 'Prueba3',
'auto_delete': 'False',
'body_html': 'test',
'email_from': 'panchito@hotmail.com',
'email_to': 'juanito @outlook.com'}
res = request.env['mail.mail'].create(mail_value)
template_id= request.env.ref('mymodule.template').id
template =request.env['mail.template'].browse(template_id)
template.send_mail(res.id, force_send=True)
return res
the first code send the correct template to >>setting>>technical>>messages.
but it doesn´t go out of odoo, only it stay there even I clic send. and my configuration of outcoming and incoming mail server is correctly......
the second code giveme the next error:
500: Internal Server Error
('El registro no existe o ha sido eliminado.\n\n(Registros: [154], Usuario: 10)', None
Odoo send email: https://goo.gl/z16PBZ