I am trying to add new field into \account.invoice.report pivot table. Sadly whatever i do i cant see the field i am trying to add.
Some context information: I have added sale_order_id field into account.move model and eshop_order boolean field into sale.order which indicates whether order originated in eshop.
eshop_order is the field i am trying to add into pivot table
This is my code:
from odoo import models, fields
class AccountInvoiceReportInherited(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.invoice.report'
eshop_order = fields.Boolean('sale_order_id.eshop_order', string="Eshop Order", readonly=True)
_depends = {'account.move': ['sale_order_id'],
'sale.order' : ['eshop_order']}
def _select(self):
return super(AccountInvoiceReportInherited, self)._select() + ", sub.eshop_order as eshop_order"
def _sub_select(self):
return super(AccountInvoiceReportInherited, self)._sub_select() + ", ai.eshop_order as eshop_order"
def _group_by(self):
return super(AccountInvoiceReportInherited, self)._group_by() + ", ai.eshop_order"I could not find any documentation or You Tube videos (except one which did not help)
Any help will be appreciated.