I tried to edit the email template called Notification Email. This is the message sent from the messenger in my contact management area.
On doing so I ended with this error code.
Failed to render template <Template memory:7feb6362b250> using values {'format_tz': <function <lambda> at 0x7feb636607d0>, 'ctx': {'followers': res.partner(45,), 'record_name': u'Anthony', u'uid': 1, 'button_access': None, u'route_map_website_id': 1, 'safe': False, u'default_attachment_ids': [], 'mail_notify_user_signature': False, 'not_followers': res.partner(), u'default_parent_id': None, 'actions': [], 'mail_auto_delete': True, u'route_start_partner_id': 3, u'default_model': u'res.partner', u'default_res_id': 45, u'lang': u'en_AU', u'default_body': u'', 'tracking': [], u'tz': u'Australia/Melbourne', 'report_template_in_attachment': True, u'default_is_log': False, u'mail_post_autofollow': True, u'map_website_id': 1, u'params': {}, 'button_unfollow': False, 'signature': False, u'default_partner_ids': [45], 'button_follow': False, 'model_name': u'Partner', 'website_url': u'http://www.yourcompany.com', 'company_name': u'Your Business Management System'}, 'user': res.users(1,), 'object': mail.message(151,)}
I have a number of Odoo instances, I can perform the same task in another instance with success.
I copied the html code and pasted into the system with the error.
No changes, still has issue
I suspect I have done something else... I just don't know what...
Can anyone identify why this error is coming up
I am not a developer, yet feel i have ticked or adjusted something else where that is creating the issue yet can not read the script well enough.
the error that you are showing is not enough...
Please provide the content of template in an gist
And maybe more log ?