We are using the default templates to send quotations emails but the default template show the code, it not traduce to finally data.
Version 15 odoo online.
Odoo is the world's easiest all-in-one management software.
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We are using the default templates to send quotations emails but the default template show the code, it not traduce to finally data.
Version 15 odoo online.
I have created a ticket from odoo support and they sent me a new templates records
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% set transaction = object.get_portal_last_transaction() Su pedido ${object.name} con importe ${format_amount(object.amount_total, object.currency_id)} % if object.state == 'sale' or (transaction and transaction.state in ('done', 'authorized')) : ha sido confirmado.
¡Gracias por su confianza! % elif transaction and transaction.state == 'pending' : está pendiente. Será confirmado cuando su pago sea recibido. % if object.reference: Su referencia de pago es ${object.reference}. % endif % endif
No dude en contactarnos si tiene alguna pregunta.
% if object.website_id:
Productos Cantidad % if object.user_id.has_group('account.group_show_line_subtotals_tax_excluded'): impuestos incluidos. % else impuestos no incluidos. % endif
% for line in object.order_line: % if not line.is_delivery and line.display_type in ['line_section', 'line_note']:
% if line.display_type == 'line_section': ${line.name} % elif line.display_type == 'line_note': ${line.name} % endif
% elif not line.is_delivery
Product image ${line.product_id.name} ${line.product_uom_qty} % if object.user_id.has_group('account.group_show_line_subtotals_tax_excluded'): ${format_amount(line.price_reduce_taxexcl, object.currency_id)} % else ${format_amount(line.price_reduce_taxinc, object.currency_id)} % endif
% endif % endfor
% if object.carrier_id:
Envío: ${format_amount(object.amount_delivery, object.currency_id)}
Subtotal: ${format_amount(object.amount_untaxed, object.currency_id)}% else:
SubTotal: ${format_amount(object.amount_untaxed, object.currency_id)}% endif
Impuestos: ${format_amount(object.amount_tax, object.currency_id)}
Total: ${format_amount(object.amount_total, object.currency_id)}% if object.partner_invoice_id:
Facturar a: ${object.partner_invoice_id.street or ''} ${object.partner_invoice_id.city or ''} ${object.partner_invoice_id.state_id.name or ''} ${object.partner_invoice_id.zip or ''} ${object.partner_invoice_id.country_id.name or ''}
Método de pago: % if transaction.payment_token_id: ${transaction.payment_token_id.name} % else: ${transaction.acquirer_id.name} % endif (${format_amount(transaction.amount, object.currency_id)})
% endif % if object.partner_shipping_id and not object.only_services:
Enviar a: ${object.partner_shipping_id.street or ''} ${object.partner_shipping_id.city or ''} ${object.partner_shipping_id.state_id.name or ''} ${object.partner_shipping_id.zip or ''} ${object.partner_shipping_id.country_id.name or ''}
% if object.carrier_id:
Forma de envío: ${object.carrier_id.name} % if object.carrier_id.fixed_price == 0.0: (Gratuito) % else: (${format_amount(object.carrier_id.fixed_price, object.currency_id)}) % endif
% endif
% endif % endif
the email looks like
Same problem. Odoo v15.