Dear Odoo Community,
I am developing a solution for my company (several Odoo modules) and we would like to provide it in a SaaS platform.
After searching I found out some amazing AGPL Odoo modules and I really would like to use them in our solution so I have 2 questions.
1. Could we buy some modules that are currently under the AGPL license in order to integrate them in our solution?
2. Is it possible to use AGPL modules and make only the modules that depend on it opensource?
To my understanding, only modules that depend on the AGPLv3 module are concerned by the AGPL license.
For example, let's suppose I developed a module A that doesn't depend on a module with an AGPL license (module B).
However, I develop module C that integrates module A with B. In other words module C depends on A, and B. Module C should have an AGPL license. However, A doesn't depend on anything it can be a closed source module.
Is this Correct?
Thank you in advance