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Arkana Solusi Digital, PT
Jl. Ampera Raya No.50A
Kel. Ragunan, Kec. Ps. Minggu
12550 Jakarta Selatan JK
+62 812-3000-2326 [WhatsApp / Voice Call]

Arkana Solusi Digital, PT

Explore Odoo with Arkana, we will help you to optimize Odoo for your business process.

Arkana is an Odoo Gold partner based in Indonesia with extensive experience in ERP Implementation across multiple industries. Arkana is committed to deliver the most suitable solution for each of our clients. Arkana has extensive experience in implementing the latest version of Odoo, Infrastructure Manage Service, and Odoo performance tuning. Operating in Jakarta and Surabaya, our team of experts has worked with various industries, including Healthcare, Retail, and Manufacturing, to deliver customized ERP solutions.

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We will ensure that your system meets Indonesian Common Practices, whether it's on Accounting, HCM, Retail business process, or many others. care to start your journey with us? 

About Us

Our experts team experience by more than 7 years in Odoo implementations and more than 15+ years in ERP industries. We are well-proven in Odoo since OpenERP 6 within various industries (Retail, Manufacturing, Distribution, Education, Pharmacy, Hospital, Field Service, and HR Outsourcing). With our strong functional team as well as our technical team, We strive to provide the best solution from Odoo for your company.

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We provide regular Odoo Functional and Technical training class every month whereby it covers both theoretical and practical hands-on exercises. For more information and registration please contact us or visit and subscribe to our social media platforms.

Odoo Training Class

"Odoo training from Arkana is very impressive and has a huge impact on the development of teams in our organization.", Adi Kurnia, IT Manager of PT Daya Anugerah Mandiri (Daya Motor)

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ASA Prive
ASA Prive is a boutique fashion company that specializes in modest fashion for women. Our designs cater to formal occasions such as weddings and other special events. Our fashion designer is a graduate from ESMOD Lyon Fashion Design & IFA Paris, two of the most prestigious fashion schools in the world.
Abu Nuzul Farm
We are a provider of sacrificial animals based on the salam contract to help you obtain high-quality sacrificial animals.

Our competitive prices are due to our decision not to rent stalls in the Jabodetabek area, and we source the animals from Bandung, Garut, or other suppliers who can meet our needs and yours.
Ajwad Boga Indonesia PT
PT. Ajwad Boga Indonesia is a company operating in the food and beverage (FnB) industry, providing a menu of Middle Eastern cuisine rich in spices and authentic flavors. Located in East Jakarta, Ajwad Store is easily accessible to culinary enthusiasts from all over Indonesia and especially the Jabodetabek area.
Anugrah Terpercaya Kerja, PT
PT Anugrah Terpercaya Kerja merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Outsourcing atau penyalur tenaga kerja
Asosiasi Penyedia Jasa Internet Indonesia
APJII is an association that provides beneficial services for members, including:

Connection IIX [Indonesia Internet Exchange].
APJII –NIR [Allocation of IP Address and AS Number]
Organizing communication and consultation among members, between members and the Government, between members and partner associations/organizations at home and abroad, as well as between members and the business world in general.
Provision of sources of information relating to the needs of members.
Protection of member interests, providing input to the Government through relevant departments regarding various issues for the benefit of members.
Organizing Seminars and Training.
Mubadala Energy is an international energy company, headquartered in Abu Dhabi. With a diversified portfolio of operated and non-operated assets spanning 11 countries, its primary geographic focus is in the Middle East and North Africa, Russia and Southeast Asia.We are wholly-owned by Mubadala Investment Company, which is owned by the Government of Abu Dhabi.

Berkah Sukses Sejahtera
A business institution that is developing and engaged in retail. This institution has several business units, including those in the food sector such as Frozen Food, Cookies, Herbs, Private Lessons and Health Equipment. In the future, this institution will strive to meet the various needs of society in Indonesia.

Sebuah Lembaga Bisnis yang sedang berkembang dan bergerak dibidang retail. Lembaga ini memiliki beberapa unit Usaha, diantaranya di bidang makanan seperti Frozen Food, Cookies, Herbal, Les Privat serta Alat-alat Kesehatan. Kedepannya, lembaga ini berusaha untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat di Indonesia.
Blufin Technology
Blufin Technology is the official distributor of Borneo Schematic. Borneo Schematics is an innovative platform that helps increase technician productivity by providing centralized access to all necessary resources, eliminating the need to search for resources separately. Implementedby Arkana.
Bulog Perum
The Indonesia Logistics Bureau is a government-owned company in Indonesia that deals with food distribution and price control with >4000 employees.
CV. Seng Lie
Seng Lie adalah sebuah perusahaan produsen kecap di Bandung dengan nama merk dagang Kecap Cap Anggur. Sejak awal berdiri sekitar tahun 1967 kami selalu berupaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan kami akan suatu produk kecap dengan cita rasa yang khas, rich, serta valuable dengan mengedepankan kualitas produk dan pelayanan kami demi mencapai kepuasan pengalaman pelanggan.

Sejauh ini kami sudah menjalin kerjasama dengan para pelaku usaha di bidang retail dan restoran kuliner baik tradisional maupun modern di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Dan kami akan sangat berbahagia jika anda termasuk di bagian di dalamnya. CV Seng Lie sudah memiliki izin usaha legal dan produknya sudah tersertifikasi HALAL serta sudah sesuai dengan aturan dan ketentuan dari BPOM.
Dagangan Karya Indonesia
PT Dagangan Karya Indonesia is an application that provides a variety of household and daily needs ranging from basic necessities, food & soft drinks, mother & child needs, fresh products, to frozen food. No need to leave the house or bother carrying groceries, just order through the application, the groceries will be delivered by courier to home. Monthly or daily shopping is certainly easier, cheaper from home.
Demix Sarana Industri Indonesia
PT. Demix Sarana Industri Indonesia since 2015 is one of the companies engaged in the building materials industry where the developer has more than 20 years of experience in instant mortar products.
This instant mortar is known as Demix, which is produced using special technology from Germany using selected raw materials and has international standards that have been adjusted for building needs in Indonesia.
Digital Pennyu
Pennyu Group is a group of companies focusing in Construction, Energy, Power Tools, Equipments, Generators, Biotech, and various Living Support Needs. It has distribution centers in Central Java (Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Purwokerto, Tegal) and East Java (Madiun, Kediri, Malang, Jember, Sidoarjo, Tuban).
Duta Raya Makmur
DRM telah berdiri sejak Januari 2001. Sepanjang perjalanan dalam menyediakan produk dan jasa yang terbaik untuk market, DRM terus mengembangkan dirinya untuk tetap relevan dengan kebutuhan market. Oleh sebab itu, DRM yang awalnya memposisikan diri sebagai center of multimedia projector, mengembangkan ruang lingkup bisnisnya menjadi Audio Visual & Digital Information Display Solution.
GTN Store
GTN Official Store is an online & offline store that sells gadgets, especially Samsung Galaxy products. GTN Store only sells the original and sells the latest products. GTN Store is using Accounting, PoS, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, and other Odoo modules in running their business.
Hukum Online
PT Justika Siar Publika or known as Hukumonline.com was founded by prominent law observers in the era of initial reform. It was initiated to provide education and enlightenment to the public about the world of law in Indonesia. Facing the disruption era, Hukumonline.com transformed into a reg-tech company that provides the most complete, integrated and reliable products and services using and utilizing technology. Until 2019, Hukumonline.com has more than 780 clients, which includes companies, renowned law firms and government agencies
PT Indofresh merupakan salah satu importir buah segar terbesar di Indonesia. PT Indofresh menyediakan buah-buahan segar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen di seluruh Indonesia. Dengan sistem dan infrastruktur logistik yang canggih milik sendiri, kami dapat dengan percaya diri mengatakan bahwa perusahaan kami terkenal akan efektivitas dan efisiensi dalam mendistribusikan produk ke seluruh nusantara, kontrol kualitas yang ketat, sistem manajemen yang sempurna, dan persediaan pasokan yang konsisten.
Jakarta Allum Foil, PT
Jakarta Allum Foil (JAF) engaged in supply of insulation materials (Insulation Material Supplier) located in Jakarta, Indonesia. JAF give the best all in one insulation shopping experience for our customers since we are providing vast lines of insulation product for any needs with best price and quality assurances. Customers satisfactions are our goals which make us stronger. Flexibility & simplicity shopping experiences are the way to achieve our goals. Our Motto is "We Built Product To Help Each Other".
KBRI Kuala Lumpur
Inquire.ID is an online matchmaking platform provided by Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia Kuala Lumpur. The website connects Malaysian with thousands of Indonesian products suppliers. This includes investment projects offered by both government and private sectors in Indonesia. Please visit inquire.id
Kayon Coffee Roasters
Kayon Coffee Roasters adalah roastery kopi yang mengkhususkan diri dalam merubah green beans menjadi roasted beans berkualitas tinggi. Fokus utama kami adalah menyediakan layanan penjualan B2B kepada cafe dan B2C langsung ke customer, menawarkan produk roasting white label, dan memberikan pendidikan melalui kelas-kelas terkait kopi seperti roastery dan cupping. Dengan komitmen pada kualitas dan edukasi. Implemented by Arkana.
Kost Imah Barokah
Kost Imah Barokah Group has been serving customers since 2019. They are located in several locations: Kelapa Dua, Cinere, and Serua. They implemented Odoo to manage their finance and rent bill.
M-Soccer IAM ITB
Kami adalah komunitas sepak bola Ikatan Alumni Mesin ITB. Kami olahraga untuk sehat dan untuk juara turnamen.
Maju Bersama
UD Maju Bersama yang berdiri sejak tahun 1985 merupakan distributor resmi makanan beku dengan brand seperti Bernardi, Indoeskrim, Kentang Frozen Land dan juga Bart adapula produk tambahan seperti ikan dori dan ada pula aneka buah beku .
Miranda Moda Indonesia
Miranda Moda Indonesia adalah pemilik Merek RiaMiranda, soft feminine touch modest fashion brand yang berdiri pada 2009. Brand RiaMiranda sendiri sudah memiliki segudang prestasi, diantaranya tampil di pagelaran fashion di berbagai belahan dunia seperti: Jakarta, Melbourne, Chicago, Singapore, Hongkong, Malaysia, Dubai and London.
Established in 2016, NerTur is a brand that focuses on being a helpful partner to parents in accordance with the origin of our brand name, “Nurture”. We’d like to be a memorable part of your child’s growth by developing a smart design, modular, stylish, practical, and well-curated diaper, and cooler bags.
PT Beaute Haul Internasional
Beauty Haul Internasional is one of the fastest-growing beauty companies in Indonesia that aspires to be the largest vertically integrated beauty ecosystem from supply to retail. Due to its exponential growth, the company has attracted investment from reputable investor, Sequoia Capital.

Our first brand ''Somethinc'' was founded in 2019, is currently #1 skincare brand in ecommerce & modern trade with >2M social media followings. We are incubating more and more business models in our platform and aim to be a strong regional player in beauty, within South Asia region.
PT Bukitapit Bumi Persada
Premier Player in Oil and Gas Industries in Indonesia
PT City Vision
Didirikan pada tahun 2008, City Vision adalah perusahaan media luar ruang terkemuka dengan jaringan transportasi umum terbesar di Indonesia. City Vision bertujuan untuk menciptakan perjalanan yang dapat menginspirasi masyarakat, serta membangun ekosistem data dan periklanan yang paling efektif, mudah diakses, dan inovatif di Indonesia.
PT Delameta Bilano
PT Delameta Bilano is a National Company that experienced as a Producer of control system technology in transportation payment in Indonesia for 29 years. We implemented HRIS including Payroll system integrated with Leave, Overtime, and Attendance. We also integrated the Odoo Attendance module with Zkteco fingerprint.
PT Delta Merlin Sandang Tekstil
Duniatex is a professionally managed world-class textile company, which focuses on spinning, weaving, dyeing, and finishing. The company consists of 18 proprietary limited companies, spread out over several locations on more than 150 hectares of land. Implemented by Arkana.
PT Hemas Esensi Kirana
PT Hemas Esensi Kirana is a growing fashion company in Indonesia. So far as a group, we’ve touched over more than one million followers on Instagram and one of the top clothing selling online in Indonesia.
PT Hospi Niaga Utama
PT Hospi Niaga Utama was established in 2011. The company is engaged in the healthcare product distributor. We implemented full ERP modules including Accounting, Sales, Purchase, CRM, Invoicing, Project, Inventory, Manufacturing.
PT Indopasifik Teknologi Medika Indonesia (ITMI)
Indopasifik Teknologi Medika Indonesia (ITMI) is a health technology company that is trying to revolutionize the health industry by reaching customers through digital products. One of ITMI's products is Jovee, which is a personal health assistant application for its users by analyzing the condition and lifestyle of its users.
PT Jakarta Allum Foil
Jakarta Allum Foil (JAF) engaged in supply of insulation materials (Insulation Material Supplier) located in Jakarta, Indonesia. JAF give the best all in one insulation shopping experience for our customers since we are providing vast lines of insulation product for any needs with best price and quality assurances. Customers satisfactions are our goals which make us stronger. Flexibility & simplicity shopping experiences are the way to achieve our goals. Our Motto is "We Built Product To Help Each Other".
PT Kartika Bina Medikatama
PT Kartika Bina Medikatama is a Medical service provider located in Indonesia. Implemented by Arkana.
E-commerce B2B (Business to Business) yang menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan industri dan bisnis bagi perusahaan (PT), mulai dari produk MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Operation) untuk pabrik dan perakitan, alat keselamatan, perkakas tangan dan elektrik, alat laboratorium, konstruksi, otomotif, logistik hingga ATK.
PT NOK Indonesia
PT NOK Indonesia merupakan salah satu anak perusahaan dari NOK Corp. Japan selain NAC di Singapura, Freudenberg & Co di Jerman dan NOK Freudenberg di Amerika. PT. NOK Indonesia merupakan perusahaan manufacture yang memproduksi oil seal, O-Ring, Gasket, Ultra Bush, Chain-tensioner dan Damper yang merupakan Spare Part otomotif.

PT Pancaputra Satriawibawa
PT Pancaputra Satriawibawa adalah perusahaan yang mengkhususkan diri bergerak sebagai SKF Authorized Distributor. Perusahaan yang berdiri sejak tahun 2002 dan sudah 19 (sembilan belas) tahun bergelut di bidang bearing ini, selalu mengembangkan diri dari waktu ke waktu sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi dunia industri, otomotif, dan hal-hal yang berkaitan.
PT Prakarsa Jaya Sentosa
PT. Prakarsa Jaya Sentosa is a company engaged in the garment / clothing. We are looking for candidates to join our Sales team. PJS has a well-known brand, sorrex.
PT Pudak Scientific
PT Pudak Scientific adalah perusahaan manufacturing yang bergerak di bidang industri komponen dirgantara dan komponen mekanis berpresisi tinggi untuk komersial bersertifikat AS9100 Rev. C (Standard Quality Management System pada Industri Aerospace dunia), sertifikat ISO 9001:2008, dan sertifikat NADCAP untuk Aerospace Quality System (AQS AC7004) & NonConventional Machining.

PT. Sahara Bogatama Indonesia is well-known in the F&B industry as a kebab meat producer and distributor in Indonesia. They are trusted by thousands of kebab traders across the nation.

There are 3 main products, including kebab meat, kebab burger and tortilla distributed in their agents and official stores throughout Indonesia.
PT Serikat Raja Lokal
PT Serikat Raja Lokal (Beeme), perusahaan Retail skincare untuk Ibu dan Bayi dengan sebuah brand bernama Beeme. Implemented by Arkana.
PT Solusi Sarana Sehat
Farmaku.com adalah website apotek online penyedia obat-obatan baik ethical maupun OTC, produk perawatan kesehatan dan produk kecantikan. Tujuan Farmaku adalah memberikan kemudahan bagi pelanggan untuk mendapatkan produk kualitas dengan harga bersaing serta kenyamanan dalam pengiriman langsung ke rumah pelanggan.

PT Wahana Anak Indonesia
PT Wahana Anak Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak sebagai konsultan manajemen untuk MINIAPOLIS area bermain anak-anak terbesar di Indonesia yang beroperasi di Jakarta, Tangerang, Bandung, Palembang, dan Bali, Dan akan terus berekspansi ke mall-mall lainnya di Indonesia.
PT. Aneka Dharma Persada (PT.ADP), merupakan sebuah perusahaan Produksi betondan hotmix yang berlokasi Padukuhan Tegalyoso, Kelurahan Sitimulyo, Kecamatan Piyungan, Kabupaten Bantul, Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Kegiatan produksi meliputi produksi beton dan hotmix. Implemented by Arkana.
PT. Adikari Wisesa Indonesia
Perusahaan jasa konsultan engineering di bidang perawatan mesin
PT. Jala Akuakultur Lestari Alamku
JALA mengubah industri udang dengan menawarkan sistem manajemen yang jauh lebih baik. Dengan mempertimbangkan pertanian berbasis data, tujuan kami adalah membuat petani membuat keputusan berdasarkan data aktual. Implemented by Arkana.
PT. Mitra Global Holiday
MG Bedbank is South East Asia’s largest bedbank. We provide smart travel agents with wider access to unbeatable rates for both domestic and worldwide hotels. By contracting leading hotel prices and allotment at over 5,500 hotels across South East Asia, we are able to offer our clients and suppliers unmatched value and opportunities to grow their business.
PT. Senang Indopratama
PT Senang Indopratama merupakan Distributor Personal Protective Equipment (APD) untuk semua Industri, berlokasi di jakarta dengan jangkauan area seluruh indonesia
PT. Yamaha Motor Parts Manufacturing Indonesia
Yamaha Motor Parts Manufacturing Indonesia as an integral part of Yamaha Manufacturing Plants network all over the world is also actively engaged in making products of an even higher quality and performance to further improve the quality of Yamaha.
Perumda Dharma Jaya
Dharma Jaya is a local company owned by the government of DKI Jakarta Province that perform public services in the meat trade and industry. Implemented by Arkana.
Rafindo Sahabat Utama
PT. Rafindo Sahabat Utama adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi dan menjual berbagai produk fashion. Salah satu merek terkenal perusahaan ini adalah Roughneck 1991 yang memproduksi pakaian seperti kaos, kemeja, celana, dan aksesori lainnya.
PT. Rafindo Sahabat Utama. memiliki dan/atau mengelola beberapa brand seperti Roughneck 1991, Moseshah, Kolonea dan Badr.
Rodl Consulting, PT
Rödl & Partner is not a collection of accountants, auditors, attorneys, management and tax consultants working in parallel. We work together, closely interlinked across all service lines. We think from a market perspective, from a client’s perspective, where a project team possesses all the capabilities to be successful and to realize the client’s goals.
Toserba Berkah Jaya (Al-Bahir Store)
Toserba Berkah Jaya adalah sebuah perusahaan toko sembako yang berlokasi strategis di Alam Barajo, Jambi. Dengan penuh dedikasi, kami menyediakan beragam produk kebutuhan sehari-hari yang meliputi sembako, gas elpiji, pembelian pulsa dan kuota, serta melayani pembayaran BPJS, PDAM, dan PLN.

Kami hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan kami dengan menyediakan pilihan produk yang berkualitas dan layanan yang ramah serta efisien. Dengan semangat Berkah Jaya, kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan pengalaman belanja yang terbaik kepada setiap pelanggan yang mempercayakan kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka kepada kami.
Velo Networks
Rajawali Corpora (RC) is a leading investment holding company based in Jakarta, Indonesia. The corporation was established in 1984 and has developed into a regional player with proven track records and significant milestones. PT. NetToCyber Indonesia (Velo Network) is one of strong subsidiaries of RC business.
WIR Group
WIR Group is a leading player in immersive technology such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Southeast Asia. The company aims to provide a smart society and an Online-to-Offline (O2O) metaverse for everyone in the era of Web 3.0. The company has five global patents for AR, registered nationally and on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), covering 150+ countries. It has completed over a thousand projects, including AR and VR app development, branding projects, for corporations from various industries in over 20 countries. WIR Group offers integrated technology services combining VR, AI, IoT, Blockchain, and mechatronics to provide customized interactions between the virtual and physical worlds. 

WIR Group is listed as one of the "Metaverse Technology Companies to Watch in 2022" by Forbes, alongside major companies such as Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook. It has also represented Indonesia at several international events, including the ASEAN-ROK Innovation Summit and the World Economic Forum (WEF) Davos. Through its subsidiary, WIR Group offers three main solutions: Solution for Brands, Solution for IoT Kiosk, and Solution for Commerce.
Warung Elegan
Warung elegan adalah sebuah toko sembako yang berlokasi di Tangerang selatan yang menyediakan beragam produk kebutuhan sehari-hari.
Yayasan Muhajir Peduli Indonesia
LAZ Muhajir merupakan lembaga amil zakat yang memiliki fungsi untuk mengelola dan menyalurkan zakat dan infaq dari masyarakat. Implemented by Arkana.