Hi there, I have gone through the tutorial video about how to create Multi Website (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spXnfeJ9Tio) in Odoo.
Step to create second Website:
1. Go to Configuration > Settings > Website
2. Press on "Create a New Website"
3. Set the website company = CompanyB
3. Set the website domain http://example.com/?fw=2
However, when I go to this site (http://example.com/?fw=2), it's still showing the first company website, instead of showing the second website.
Did anybody really able to successfully use this feature under multi company? Or it is not supposed to be used for multi company?
My Odoo is Community Version 13
Have you tried clicking on this button in the upper right? https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=20/11/tn5r.png
Kind regards,