Hello, my Module dont want start the Function if I klick on the "import" Button.
The Function of my Modul:
My Module import easyer Products, this Module needs only the EAN number.
The Module takes the EAN Number and make a GET Request to a Web API.
The Web API send the Infos about this Product back and my Module writes the Infos in the Database with the XMLRPC API.
But if i write the EAN Number and but the "Import" Button , nothing happens .
I tested it with a normal python Script and the Code under "headers = ...." is correct.
And if the Modul starts the Function how can I read the Value from the Fields?
The Code of my models.py:
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
#Description: ITScope Modul für Odoo
#Dev: Patrick Mitteregger
from openerp import models, fields, api
from openerp.tools.translate import _
import httplib
import base64
import libxml2
import xmlrpclib
import urllib
url = 'http://odoo.blucon.net:8069'
username = ''
pwd = ''
dbname = 'Test'
sock_common = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/common'.format(url))
login = sock_common.login(dbname,username,pwd)
sock = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/object'.format(url))
product = 'product.product'
accountID = ""
apiKey = ""
ean = 0
class product_search(models.Model):
#Auswahl des Nutzers (Über Formular) auslesen und in Variablen speichern#
_name = "itscope_modul.itscope_modul"
eanumber = fields.Char('Eanumber',required=True)
language = fields.Char('Language',default="de")
def search_prod(self):
eanum = self.eanumber
langu = self.language
#Mit der ItScope API verbinden und die Infos vom Produkt holen #
headers = {'Authorization' : 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(accountID+ ':'+ apiKey), 'Accept-Language' : langu} url = "https://api.itscope.com/2.0" Get = "/products/ean/" + eanum + "/standard." + "xml"
req = urllib2.Request(url + Get,headers=headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
itscope = response.read()
xmlread = libxml2.parseDoc(itscope)
# Antwort-XML Feld auswahl
eancode = xmlread.xpathEval('/products/product/ean')
prodname = xmlread.xpathEval('/products/product/supplierItems/supplierItem/productName')
manuf = xmlread.xpathEval('/products/product/supplierItems/supplierItem/manufacturerName ')
description = xmlread.xpathEval('/products/product/longDescription')
pricelist = xmlread.xpathEval('/products/product/price')
#Die Infos zum Produkt in die Datenbank eintragen #
product_colum={ 'barcode': eancode[0].content, 'name' : prodname[0].content, 'list_price' : pricelist[0].content, 'manufacture': manuf[0].content, 'description_sale' : description[0].content }
prodimport = sock.execute(dbname,login,pwd,product,'create',product_colum)
print "Produkt wurde erfolgreich eingetragen"