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Odoo has the ability to select a layout in the settings. To do this, in the "Configure document layout" we select layout and click save. After that, the layout is replaced with the selected one.

I am interested in the ability to change the layout from another location without using this interface.

For simplicity, you can imagine this: There is a button by pressing which layout will change from "Light" to "Boxed".

I figured out how to get the layout ID or name:

class Test(models.TransientModel):  
    _inherit = 'base.document.layout'
    def get_id_and_name(self):
        current_layout_id =
        current_layout_name =

I also learned that you don't have to change the ‘report_layout_id’ field to change the layout. If we make the ‘external_report_layout_id’ field visible in the Document Layout view, we will see this field. At the same time, if you change it, then in the ‘report_layout_id’ field the selection will not change, but when saving the layout will be as in ‘external_report_layout_id’.

(in the screenshot, after saving, the layout will change to a 'clean', despite the fact that it is selected in the box

Next, I wanted to know what the "save" button does in the layout selection window. I was expecting to see some code that will show me how to change the layout to the selected one, however I don't understand what it does.

def document_layout_save(self):
# meant to be overridden
return self.env.context.get('report_action'or {'type''ir.actions.act_window_close'}

Ideally, I would like to know how to write code that, when run, will change the layout from one to another.

Def change_document_layout(first_layout, second_layout): #first and second layout it is ID or name of layout

Do you have any ideas or guesses?

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