We were notified by some of our customers that even though they completed the payment for their purchase from our webshop, in the end the faced the following error:
"We couldn’t find your payment, but don’t worry. You should receive an email confirming your payment within a few minutes. If the payment is not confirmed, you can contact us."
I know that these messages are customisable but this does not match any of our messages.
Does anyone have any clue why could this be happening?
Odoo retrieve the payment transaction list from customer session and if it's not rederived then it shows this message.
this message came from Odoo itself in the below line:
Hi Waleed,
Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer!
I am not sure that I understand exactly what your explanation means, so I have the following question.
Is there anything I can do to solve this?
Thanks again.
@george did you find any answer