I've got a problem on my website. when my form is successfully POST-ed, the record is created and the website redirects to the success page. If I refresh the page it creates the record again as many times as the page is refreshed. The page with the form and the success page are even two different pages.
Is there a way to destroy unset the data or to prevent records to be created when refreshing the page?
@http.route('/new-ticket', type='http', auth='user', website=True) def new_ticket(self, **kwargs): request_dict = dict() # get user user_id = http.request.env.context.get('uid') user = request.env['res.users'].search([('id', '=', user_id)])[0] request_dict['user'] = user parent_project_list = request.env['project.project'].search([('analytic_account_id.parent_project_id', '=', False), ('active', '=', True)]) request_dict['parent_projects'] = parent_project_list if request.httprequest.method == 'POST': # get form data task_partner_id = request.params['task_partner_id'] parent_project_id = request.params['parent_project_id'] child_project_id = request.params['child_project_id'] task_name = request.params['task_name'] task_description = request.params['task_description'] task_priority = self.check_priority(request.params['task_priority']) stages_dict = self.get_project_stages(child_project_id) stage_id = stages_dict.get('starting_stage_id') try:
projects_env = request.env['project.project'] project = projects_env.sudo().search([('id', '=', child_project_id)])[0] salesperson_id = project.partner_id.user_id.id except: salesperson_id = False new_task = request.env['project.task'].create({'name': task_name, 'active': True, 'stage_id': stage_id, 'kanban_state': 'normal', 'description': task_description, 'project_id': child_project_id, 'priority': task_priority, 'user_id': user_id, 'partner_id': task_partner_id, 'order_partner_id': user.partner_id.id, 'salesperson_id': salesperson_id, }) tasks = self.get_users_tasks(user) return request.render('tabla_project_ticket.tickets', {'tasks': tasks}) return request.render('tabla_project_ticket.new_ticket', request_dict)