I have a new model and controller as below:
class CarOnlineBooking(models.Model):
_name = 'car.online.booking'
_description = 'Fleet Rental Management'
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'ir.needaction_mixin']
pick_location = fields.Many2one(selection="fleet.vehicle.location", string="Pick Up Location", required=False, )
ret_location = fields.Char(string="Return Location", required=False, )
driver_age = fields.Char(string="Driver's Age", required=False,)
book_start_time = fields.Datetime(string="Pick Up Date and Time", required=False, )
book_end_time = fields.Datetime(string="Return Date and Time", required=False, )
class FleetWeb(http.Controller):
@http.route('/home/vehicle_search', type='http', auth='public', website=True)
def render_vehicle_search(self, **kw):
return http.request.render('fleet_rental.vehicle_search', {
@http.route('/home/', type='http', auth='public', website=True)
def navigate_to_detail_page(self):
book = http.request.env['car.online.booking'].sudo().search([])
country_list = http.request.env['res.country'].sudo().search([])
fleet_detail = http.request.env['fleet.vehicle'].sudo().search([])
return http.request.render('fleet_rental.detail_page', {'countries': country_list, 'fleet': fleet_detail,
'book_detail': book})
I need to get fields for 'pick up date', 'location', 'driver age' etc which can be inputted by user and when i click a search button,these details need to be saved in the odoo database. As you can see, I am passing data from three models in http.request.render where the 'book, model is empty. I need to fill it with values entered by the user
Please help on how to write the template in view