In order to load a page with 20 products in category view in Website->Shop odoo takes 4 seconds to respond.
Firefox shows that all images and css are cached but what takes long is waiting for the main html which is between 5K and 8K in size.
I set timer in the controller at
@http.route([ '''/shop''', '''/shop/page/<int:page>''', '''/shop/category ...
and the function is executed in a few milliseconds. but then it takes a while until it's being loaded in the browser. Maybe the rendering of the template or I don't know what...
I already realized that Odoo is pretty heavy and slow responding but I wish there will be a way to improve that.
My server is 8 Core, 16GB Ram, SSD drive, optimized postgresql using pgtune
I am testing from the local network.
Any suggestions?