Here is my problem : I sell tee shirts : color : blue and red ans size L & XL. Only the Blue XL is 1$ more expensive than the base price. Where do I add the +1€ ? not on blue variant because the blue L is at the base price, not at XL size because the yellow XL is at the base price. Any chance to solve this problem ? Thanks a lot
My real case is with 200.000 products, and I could use the list prices with variants, unfortunately, we cannot use categories either with variants, since I cannot set every variant price individually in the list price configuration (otherwise I would have a price rule with about 50.000 tests), I wonder if anybody already solved this kind of configuration.
Thanks a lot.
I am sorry I cannot answer on the forum because it says I don't have enough Karma !
So I cannot use the extra price otherwise the blue L will be too expensive...
This is why I have to use the list prices on product variants. And I am using a specific OCA module that allows me to use list price at the product level, so I don't have to make a huge default list price with the specific prices of all of my products.
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