We have 3000+ products template running into odoo v8 system .
as an example :
Product A
Product B
Product C
Now Want to use website feature of odoo v8. but not want to publish above product template individually.
I want to publish them below one template on website.
like below :
Product ABC
Product A (already exits in system )
Product B (already exits in system )
Product C (already exits in system )
To run scenario i have create new product template named "Product ABC " and attached all the previous variants which exits in system (Product A, Product B, Product C)
But the problem is when i attached new template "Product ABC " to my exiting product variants then the name and price all will replaced by the new template "Product ABC" which I don't want. I want my product name and it's all value remains same as previous one (Product A, Product B, Product C) because it's already attached to many documents (sale order, purchase order, stock and many more ..)
Any way to sort this issue to make website workable .