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2 Replies

hi all,

2 important questions here for me to know:

1) how i can Activate odoo's signup/signin for the public users and set their group as 'public' by default on signup.

2) is there any Change Password page or I have to create? if have to create I don't know about when user change his/her password what method should I call to set/save new password?

note: i checked Settings - General Settings - Manage Users but don't know how i can set it to enable SignUp / SignIn for all public users.


Best Answer


If you need to set up the signup for the external users to your odoo instance, you can enable it from the General Settings. Navigate to Settings -> General Settings , under Permissions tab you can see the option called Customer Account.

Once you enabled this in the settings, if you go to the login page of odoo, you will see the option for Sign UP.

On Clicking it, user can sign up by entering the details like Name, Email and Password.

And for setting up the default access rights for the new users, you can set it from the same settings page.

If the users need to reset their password, they have the option to change it in their portal. Under the Account Security in the portal page, there is hyper link named Edit Security Settings, once you click on it, users can change their password.

Once you click on it, you will see the option to change password.


Author Best Answer

thanks a bunch @Niyas Rapy for detailed explaination and guidance. 

please just one thing more, where it will save these signup information (model/table like res.partner etc.), so we can relate users to their activities and to generate user wise report(s) for Dashboard or for Management etc. AND can i add fields in SignUp view/form like address etc. it is very important for us, please.

OR i have to create a new topic/thread for this question?


Note: also this not worked, i followed what you instructed here, pls help:
