Hello everyone !
As there is no way to up a topic and seeing how the help forum is done, I ask my question again as I had no answer and didn't manage to get what I was looking for.
So here it is, I would like to use point of sale's products's prices, because recalculating something that already exists is stupid and not perennial.
I just don't know how to do this. In the documentation it is said that product.product is used for prices attributes but i can't find how to access the price that will be paid by the customer in point_of_sale module (with pricelists, taxes and everything ..).
I would also like to see if there is a discount and the amount of the discount.
If someone could explain me the structure of point of sale's product management, that'd be great ! :)
I find the concept of odoo/openerp very interesting but it si so hard to do what I want (as use the final price a customer would pay at the moment).
Thank you for your time !