Here's some code to show what i want to do :
class myClass(models.Model): _name='mymodule.myclass' task_body=fields.Text(compute="_buildXML", store=True) products=fields.Many2many(comodel_name='product.template') @api.depends('products','','products.list_price') def _buildXML(self): xmlBody="" xmlBody+="..." . . . for product in products: xmlBody+="<field key='price' value='"+product.list_price+"'/>" xmlBody+="<field key='name' value='""'/>" . . . self.task_body=xmlBody
So here it is. I list_price display the price you can enter on the product informations but it does not include the tax if tax is set not to be inside the price. I would like to display this list of prices to the very final customer so that he can have the price.
So with product.list_price, the problem is that the price may be incorrect if taxes are not included inside of it. I would like to show the all taxes included everytime.
Thank you for your time ! :)
Where do you want to display prices including tax? I do not understand what you want to achieve.
I would like to build a XML body in my model that is linked to product.template class to send to a side server. In this XML i need to put the product's price including tax.
anything ?