I am trying to create partner ledger report for individual partner. I added a report named "Partner Statements" in the print button of partner form.But when I click the print button its showing "RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded.
The below given is the code: account_partner_statement.py
class ReportPartnerStatement(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'report.cus_account.report_partner_statement'
def _get_account_move_lines(self, partner_ids):
res = dict(map(lambda x:(x,[]), partner_ids))
self.env.cr.execute("SELECT m.name AS move_id, l.date, l.name, l.ref, l.date_maturity, l.partner_id, l.blocked, l.amount_currency, l.currency_id "
"FROM account_move_line l "
"JOIN account_account_type at ON (l.user_type_id = at.id) "
"JOIN account_move m ON (l.move_id = m.id) "
"WHERE l.partner_id IN %s AND at.type IN ('receivable', 'payable') GROUP BY l.date, l.name, l.ref, l.date_maturity, l.partner_id, at.type, l.blocked, l.amount_currency, l.currency_id, l.move_id, m.name", (((fields.date.today() ) + (tuple(partner_ids)))))
for row in self.env.cr.dictfetchall():
return res
def render_html(self, docids, data=None):
totals = {}
lines = self._get_account_move_lines(docids)
lines_to_display = {}
company_currency = self.env.user.company_id.currency_id
for partner_id in docids:
lines_to_display[partner_id] = {}
totals[partner_id] = {}
for line_tmp in lines[partner_id]:
line = line_tmp.copy()
currency = line['currency_id'] and self.env['res.currency'].browse(line['currency_id']) or company_currency
docargs = {
'doc_ids': docids,
'doc_model': 'res.partner',
'docs': self.env['res.partner'].browse(docids),
'time': time,
'Lines': lines_to_display,
'Date': fields.date.today(),
return self.env['report'].render('cus_account.report_partner_statement', docargs)
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
load could not load templateTemplate: