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7 Replies


I am working on several projects. My all projects are loading images on HTML and PDF versions of report. Only one project is not showing its images on PDF version. When i open the report it shows the logo on top but when PDF is generated it doesn't loads the image but showing value given in alt attribute. I am surfing internet for long time have tried a lot of solutions but nothings working. Is it some problem with WKHTMLtoPDF plugin intall on that server or some thing else.

I am using image as HTML tag not as background in odoo 10


you probably have path issue with your image.

if image show in other reports in well manner..then it's image size or image related prlbm..

Best Answer

 I have also encountered this issue. An image in a report appearing perfectly fine in my html but not as a pdf.I found that it  turned out to be internal vs external name resolution. Adding to web.base.url did in fact get my default logo to appear which gave me a clue that I was experiencing a name resolution issue. Be sure that your odoo server can in fact resolve it's external url and find itself or wkhtmltopdf will have issues fetching resources beyond the html passed to it by


exactly it solved my issue.


Thanks Ahtesham bhai to help me here on odoo help instead of telling me directly while siting next to

I recently suffered this same issue on a system on different server than the NGINX reverse proxy that handles the web.base.url. To correct it, I had to add the report.url field in the system parameters with the<<xml-rpc port>>. Once it was in the system, everything worked well again.

Great. It worked. Thanks

Best Answer

I had this issue with my installation on openSuSE Leap 42.3 which has an un-patched verison of  wkhtmltopdf. Installing the the patched packages solved my problem.

You can get the patched packages from:
