All our finished products that we want to sale them have BOM, so that unit of measure category of first line (our finished product) are different from its subset. we dont have problem in any other part except sale order delivery. odoo doesn't let me to do it because of different category.
should i use UOS?
How can i use UOS in version 9?
If not please tell me how should i define unit of measure category for my products an their subsets.
Can you make an example and maybe provide a screenshot?
for example we sale product A (with unit of measure category A) when we want to deliver it we have to deliver it subset too like َA1( with unit of measure category A1) and A2 (with unit of measure category A2). odoo dosent let us because of this error:Conversion from Product UoM UNIT/A1 to Default UoM UNIT is not possible as they both belong to different Category!