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Hi, I am using Enterprise version 9. Just last week, I was able to restore databases through the GUI without any troubles. 
But I got my Odoo reinstalled to get updates (if any), and now I am getting the following error on trying to restore the database:

Database restore error: Command `pg_restore` not found.

I have viewed all of the threads on this community regarding this, but I don't know how to work on Command line. Tried that too, for solving this. No luck.
Any help would be appreciated. 

Best Answer

What does that mean:

But I got my Odoo reinstalled to get updates (if any)

Usually you don't need to reinstall Odoo in order to update it. If you did reinstall it, it looks like something is not correctly installed, either your Postgres or your Odoo Postgres user has not the necessary access rights to Postgres.
