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I have used Odoo on Saas for a while and now I an trying to install the database that I had on a freshly installed Odoo V8 VPS. I have tested the VPS thorougly with a new database and everything works fine. Now I made a dump of my database on the Odoo Saas. I restored that dump to a new database on my VPS without problems. But I cannot login to that database anymore. Except if I use the "Login with Odoo" choice. Then I can login and do everything I want. Except change my password, that does not work as the Old Password is not accepted. I know very well what the old passowr is, but I cannot change to a new passowrd.

Anyone has a solution for this? Thanks.


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Thanks, Ray. This worked after changing the id in res_users and the login to my email address instead of admin as there was no admin record in res_users and my id was 3 instead of 1. Thought this might be helpfull for others in the future.

Best Answer

Migrating from SAAS is something Odoo provides help for, because depending on the timing of the build differences between hosted and non-hosted versions, you may run into other problems.  

If you choose to try it yourself:

1. Make sure the saas_trial module gets uninstalled.

update ir_module_module set state = 'to remove' where name = 'saas_trial'; 

2. Allow the admin password to be reset.

insert into base_config_settings(auth_signup_reset_password) values(true); 

update res_partner set signup_type='reset', signup_token='rsvabcdefghijykalklk', signup_expiration=to_timestamp('20200411','YYYYMMDD') where id=(select partner_id from res_users where id=1); 

3. Reset the password


4. Upgrade your database, by upgrading the base module either via command line or via the UI.

5. Apply scheduled upgrades via Settings --> Modules.


Is that saas hold private modules even license police to share all the modules ?

Private modules are not supported (technically, so actually) in the SAAS version. Private modules remain private (don't need to be shared) for the duration of the "Odoo Enterprise Agreement" (paid enterprise services).

Best Answer

There seems to be that your user was setup with Odoo oauth as authentication provider and don't have a local database password. You could set it directly in the database in the password field of the res_users table 

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