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2 Replies


I'm using Odoo 15, and I'm trying to track consumed hours on Helpdesk Tickets on a Task.

I created a Product as a Service, and configured it to create a Task on a Project.

When I sell that Product to a Customer, and he opens a Ticket on the Helpdesk,

I need the Timesheets that counts on that Ticket to be reflected automatically on the Task created by the Product. 

So I can track the consumed time on the Task.

I tried a manual approach, when I create a Timesheets on the Ticket, I go to the Timesheets module and tries to change the Task to the one created by the Product, but I received a warning telling "A timesheet cannot be linked to a task and a ticket at the same time."

So I need a solution even using the Studio or Automatic Actions.

Best Answer

You should be able to achieve this with the standard helpdesk functionality of linking tickets to a task with the field "Sales Order Item". While the time spent is only tracked on the ticket's time sheet, you will be able to view the 'Remaining hours on SO' on the Task timesheet as well


Yes Jaideep, you are right,
But in that case Timesheets will count against the SO directly.

Counting consumed hours against a Task in a Project is more powerful, as I can calculate profitability for example.
So I need the Ticket's Timesheets to be count against the Task created by the Quotation.

Hi Simon,

As you confirm linking ticket with 'Sales Order Item' field the time on ticket directly deducts from SO. The time can't be accounted for twice, so it is either on the ticket or SO task.

If the preference is to mark time on task, maybe the users need to be trained to mark time on timesheet app and link to task or directly on the project task but not on the ticket.

Users can access the remaining hours/ SO details right from the ticket by clicking the 'Sales order item' field

Not sure if this helps address the question.


Yes, that what I want to achieve, but in an automatic way.

Sorry it is not entirely clear to me what specific change/ automation you are looking for. 

Probably others might have ideas / suggestions that might help achieve it.
Best Answer


You have to put a button named create task inside the helpdesk ticket form view. When user click on that button, new task created thorough the automated actions and user can manage the timesheet by that project task.



Hi Shivoham,
That mean I will not benefit from the automatically created Task when I confirm a Quotation,
So how I will get the planned hours from the Quotation?

You can get all details from the quotation need to write the automated action on the quotation so it creates automatic task.