We are doing this on a clean vanilla ODOO setup. (V14)
We have a product(A) that we get a subcontractor to manufacture.
It has a manufacturing lead time of 10 days.
Ithas a BoM with a few components that are all setup to resupply subcontractor on order.
When we make a purchase order for the product, it creates 2 transfers and a subcontract manufacturing(We unarchived the subcontract operation ) order (MO) .
The PO has a receipts date that is 10 days away.
Transfer 1 (Delivery , not picking )to sends the raw component to the subcontractor has a scheculed date and dead line of 10 days from now. [1]
Subcontract MO has a scheduled date of 10 days from now [2]
Transfer 2 (Receipt) has a scheduled date that is 10 days from now. [3]
The problem with this:
[3] is fine cause we expect the subcontracted work to arrive back in 10 days. (Lead time )
[1] Is the problem. If we wait 10 days before sending the raw material to the subcontractor it will take an extra 10 days for the subcontractor to process it.
[2] We can sort of live with this because the subcontracting operation is just a way for us to see what is out there and being worked on.
Would you know if any of the raw material / BOM components have 'customer lead time' provided on their product template? This could possibly be the reason for 10 days on the delivery order
Good point. I had a quick look but could not find any. I then changed the lead times on the Main product(A). Nothing changed data wise after doing another order.
I thin change the supplier lead time and that is definitely what is used to calc the delivery date to resupply the subcontractor.