I've an issue in smtp parameter.
I'm using odoo installes in azure env, using bitnami sources.
I'm MS365 user.
I'm using smtp.office365.com:587 with TLS login user & password alreayd used succesfully in another odoo instance.
I cannot sent a mail using this configuration.
I'm also trying to use smtp : MX info:25 without any user/pasw, and adding the ip of the odoo server.
info describe here : https://www.adminpasbete.fr/relais-smtp-anonyme-office-365/
but impossible to send any email.
Could somebody help me.
Best regards,
see below the log info.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/bitnami/apps/odoo/lib/odoo-11.0.post20171218-py3.6.egg/odoo/addons/mail/models/mail_mail.py", line 326, in _send
msg, mail_server_id=mail.mail_server_id.id, smtp_session=smtp_session)
File "/opt/bitnami/apps/odoo/lib/odoo-11.0.post20171218-py3.6.egg/odoo/addons/base/ir/ir_mail_server.py", line 466, in send_email
raise MailDeliveryException(_("Mail Delivery Failed"), msg)
odoo.addons.base.ir.ir_mail_server.MailDeliveryException: ('Mail Delivery Failed', "Mail delivery failed via SMTP server 'None'.\nSMTPDataError: 550\n5.7.60 SMTP; Client does not have permissions to send as this sender [HE1P195MB0010.EURP195.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM]")
have you checked that the ports you want to use are opened and not blocked by firewall?