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Is it possible to list only the UOM relevant to a product on a sales order drop-down list?

I have set the default UOM for purchasing (pallets), and also the default UOM (sales - Boxes). All good.

However, we occasionally sell out at the same UOM as we purchase (pallets).  As it is unrealistic for a salesperson to remember each pallet configuration, it would be good to change the UOM on the sales order to only those that are relevant. At the moment you get a list of ALL units in the category.

I am starting to go down a rabbit hole of creating UOM Categories per product, which only partially solves the issue.

For example the UOM category for envelopes (in a variety of sizes, 10 in total).

Sales UOM

Boxes of 50

Boxes of 100

Boxes of 200

Purchase UOM

Pallet (2,400)


Pallet (3,600)

Pallet (4,400)

Pallet (6,000)

So for Envelope Size A Sales is Box200, the purchase is Pallet 6000.  However, if a customer asks Sales for a pallet then on the SO they are presented with all of the above.

This same scenario plays out over multiple products and at that point, it becomes even more useful.
